
Институт математики, информационных и космических технологий

Заочный финансово-экономический институт

Институт естественных наук и биомедицины

Институт комплексной безопасности

Институт медико-биологических исследований

Институт нефти и газа

Институт педагогики и психологии

Институт социально-гуманитарных и политических наук

Институт строительства и архитектуры

Институт теоретической и прикладной химии

Институт физической культуры, спорта и здоровья

Институт филологии и межкультурной коммуникации

Институт экономики и управления

Институт энергетики и транспорта

Лесотехнический институт

Юридический институт

Гуманитарный институт филиала в Северодвинске

Институт судостроения и морской арктической техники филиала в Северодвинске

Коряжемский филиал

Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров


Research facilities

Версия для печати

Molecular Ecology and Phylogenetics Laboratory

Molecular Ecology and Phylogenetics Laboratory

The Laboratory for Carbon-Based Materials and Spin-Dependent Optical Phenomena in Wide Band Gap

The Laboratory for Carbon-Based Materials and Spin-Dependent Optical Phenomena in Wide Band Gap

Laboratory of Clonal Micropropagation and Experimental Hydroponics

Laboratory of Clonal Micropropagation and Experimental Hydroponics

Core Facility Center “Arktika”

Core Facility Center “Arktika”

The main goals and objectives of Core facility center “Arktika”

The formation of the innovative environment, the development of research activities

Improving the training quality of specialists at all levels

The expansion of the NARFU integration in the field of scientific research and development


Dmitry Kosyakov
Director of the Centre
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor
Address: 14, Severodvinskaya St., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia
Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-61-00 ext. 17-23
e-mail: d.kosyakov@narfu.ru
Aleksandr Kozhevnikov
Deputy Director of the Centre
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor
Address: 14, Severodvinskaya St., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia
Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-61-00 ext. 17-22
e-mail: a.kozhevnikov@narfu.ru

Center of Excellence «Arctic Oil and Gas Laboratory Research»

Infrastructure Type:

Research center

Research fields:

Chemistry, environmental sciences, environmental protection, mining and extraction 


Development of eco-friendly technologies for oil and gas field operation that meet the current trends in the development of Arctic oil and gas producing technologies.

Brief description:

The Centre comprises two structures: Engineering Innovation Center «Arctic Oil and Gas Laboratory Research» and «Field Operation Simulation Training Center».

Engineering Innovation Center is tasked with multi-faceted study of core materials; core material data processing and systematization; Brief description of physical and chemical properties of reservoir fluids based on surface and deep well samples; systematization of data on core volumes, reservoir fluids and lab analysis results. 

Based on the results of lab analysis, the Center may process the given geo-physical materials and simulate scenarios of hydraulic fracturing and of enhancing oil recovery on a particular field. 

Possible research:

  • Drill-hole hydrodynamic research: facilities and software include SAPHIR and Well Testing Monitoring products.

  • PVT – analysis of heavy crude and high viscosity oil: sampler VPP-300, electronic SIMSP-20V, SIMSP-20VMV, Leuters ОPS

  • Formation fluid thermodynamic properties 

  • Physicochemical analysis of oil and oil-products

  • Physicochemical analysis of oil-field and surface waters  

  • Physical and fluid-loss properties of reservoir rocks in reservoir conditions on the core sample of 30, 67 and 100 mm diameter and composite models

  • Petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks within the modeling of thermobaric conditions for samples of 30, 67, 100 mm diameter.

The Field Operation Simulation Training Center offers simulator-based team training of students majoring in various aspects of oil and gas production. In fulfilling its core task of ensuring efficient field operation though simulation of situations and development scenarios, the Center is making use of such sophisticated software as Petrel, Eclipse, Pipesim, Techlog (by Schlumberger); Irap RMS (by Roxar). It also offers a scenario for performing field service activities. 




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Galina Tarasova


phone: +7 (8182) 41-28-65,+7911-656-19-32, +7 911-655-55-44;

e-mail: m.tarasova@narfu.ru


Analysis, exploration, oil and gas, oil products


Russian / English

Education-scientific center of energy innovations

Infrastructure Type:

Research Centre/Institute

Research fields:

  • Education science

  • Engineering


The Centre aims at increasing energy efficiency of energy saving technologies, education and consulting on energy saving issues; energy audits and improvement of energy usage of solid fuels

Brief description:

The Centre provides:

  • Research works of scientific, methodological and applied nature in the sphere of energy efficiency, energy saving and rational nature management

  • Implementation of supplementary educational programmes and educational services in the sphere of energy saving, energy efficiency and rational nature management

  • Administration of NARFU’s energy efficiency system

  • Consulting services

  • Informational and marketing support of up-to-date energy efficiency products, technologies, technique, equipment, materials

The Centre promotes innovative and complex approach and integrates education, science, business.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Viktor Lyubov

Scientific supervisor

Tel.: +7 (8182) 41 28 26

E-mail: v.lyubov@narfu.ru 

Address: rooms 3106, 3107, 17 Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dvina, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia Pavel Maryandyshev, director of high school of energy, oil and gas. Tel. +7 (8182)21-61-79. E-mail: p.marjyandishev@narfu.ru


Energy efficiency, energy saving, consulting, education services


Russian / English

Arctic Centre for Strategic Studies

Infrastructure Type:

Research and Analytical Centre

Research fields:

Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

Ethnopolitics in the Arctic

Staffing Requirements in the Arctic

Education the the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

International Cooperation in the Arctic


The mission of the center is to ensure the sustainable development of the Russian Arctic by improving the management system of the intellectual space of the region.

Brief description:

Arctic Centre for Strategic Studies provides solutions to the strategic tasks and focuses on:

  • Coordination of the Arctic Floating University project on board the research vessel «Professor Molchanov»

  • Analysis and monitoring of research and educational space of the Arctic

  • Research on social development of the Russian Arctic

  • Coordination of the network of Russian Arctic universities (National research and educational consortium)

  • Development of international cooperation in the field of Arctic research




Available for both internal and external users: online request template is available http://narfu.ru/science/structure/arctic_centre_for_strategic_studies/

Contact Info:

Konstantin Zaikov

Director of the Centre

PhD in History, Associate Professor 

Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-89-39 

 e-mail: k.zaikov@narfu.ru

Address:  17, Severnoy Dviny Emb., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia


arctic center for strategic studies, acss, arctic floating university, arctic expedition, ethnopolitics, research, arctic staffing requirement, fundamental research


Russian / English

Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Analytical Chemistry 

Environmental protection

Environmental sciences

Health and medicine

Legal studies


Development of methodology for monitoring, assessment, prediction and prevention of risks associated with the high level toxic polluting substances transfer via biological pathways. These substances can accumulate in the food chain and spread in Arctic ecosystems. 

Brief description:

The Aim of the Project:

Decreasing  the economic and demographic consequences of health disorders of the population living in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, as a result of the uncontrolled transfer of highly toxic polluting chemicals to the environment (hazardous contaminants).

Improving the efficiency of chemical safety of the population.

Development of national and regional systems of biological monitoring, forecasting and managing the risks associated with uncontrolled spread of dangerous contaminants by migratory species of birds, fish and wild animals to the Arctic. (biological pathways).

Objectives of the Project:

Assessment of socio-economic risks of health disorders within population and the demographic implications emerging as a result of  dangerous pollutants entering the human body. The pollutants can accumulate in food chains and spread by migratory species of birds, fish and wild animals.

Assessment of the impact of projected climate change on the increase of cross-border transfers of hazardous pollutants in the high latitudes through biological pathways.

Development of methodology for early detection, monitoring and countering threats related to cross-border transfer of hazardous contaminants to the Arctic through biological pathways.

Development of a model for assessment and prediction of harmful effects on the human body associated with the transfer and distribution of hazardous contaminants through biological pathways.

Identification, analysis and Brief description of the main health risks for the population and development of methodical recommendations for their reduction in the extraction, processing and sale of food products produced from migratory commercial fish species, birds and wild animals.

Development of basic requirements for the creation of international and national information system for early detection, monitoring and risk assessment of cross-border transfer and distribution of hazardous contaminants through biological pathways

Development of policies for informing public authorities and local governments, as well as the population living in the Arctic zone of Russian Federation, of risk management issues in the sphere of chemical safety




Available for both internal and external users. 

Contact Info:

Tatyana Sorokina

Head of the Laboratory

PhD in Law

e-mail: biomonitoring@narfu.ru

Address:  17, Naberezhnaya Severnoi Dviny, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia, office 1263.


Arctic, human health, biological monitoring, persistent organic and inorganic pollutants, human risk assessment.


Russian / English

Integrative Translation Studies of the Subarctic Region

Infrastructure Type:

Scientific and Educational Centre

Research fields:

  • Modelling of Translation Process

  • Discourse and Cognitive Studies

  • Terminology Management 

  • History of Translation and Interpreting in the Russian North

  • Linguistic Ecology

  • Professional Communication

  • Business Communication 

  • Literary Translation and Esthetics

  • Stylistic Aspects of Translation


Integration of innovative sciencific research in the sphere of Integrative Translation Studies permits to create an efficient system of advanced vocational education and form human resources able to work as translators in the North of Russia and in the Barents Region

Brief description:

Aims of the Centre: 

  • Development of Integrative Translation as an innovative research area

  • Integration of science into teaching in order to create an efficient system of advanced vocational education 

  • Formation of human resources able to work as translators in the North of Russia and in the Barents Region


  • Developing Arctic oriented topics in teaching and research

  • Arctic oriented projects in the field of applied linguistics

  • Conferences, seminars and public lectures concerning the Arctic

  • Pulishing monographs, collected works, textbooks

  • Programs of advanced vocational education “Translator in the Field of Pofessional Communication”, “Literary Translation”, “Cross-Cultural Communication in the Tourist Industry”

  • International translation contest for students “Arctic Transfer”




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Alexander Polikarpov

Director of the Centre

Doctor in Linguistics, Professor 

Tel.: +7 (8182) 68-32-62

+7 (8182) 21-61-00 ext. 2430

 e-mail: a.polikarpov@narfu.ru, noc-ippp@yandex.com 

Address:  7, Smolny Buyan str., office 222 and 300, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia


Translation, Interpreting, Discourse and Cognitive Studies, Terminology Management, History of Translation, Linguistic Ecology, Professional Communication, Business Communication, Literary Translation, Esthetics, Stylistics


Russian / English

Arctic Floating University onboard the research vessel «Professor Molchanov»

Infrastructure Type:

Research vessel

Research fields:

  • Biology and biochemistry

  • Chemistry

  • Earth Sciences

  • Economics

  • Education science

  • Engineering

  • Environmental protection

  • Environmental sciences

  • Health and medicine

  • Natural environments and wildlife

  • Political science and civics


Arctic Floating University is established to unite science and education on the territory of the Arctic region and aims to preserve the Arctic environment and ensure sustainable development of the region.

Brief description:

“The Arctic Floating University” is an innovative educational project designed to help young researchers and explorers of the Arctic gain knowledge and skills in real life conditions of the northern seas.

The research vessel “Professor Molchanov”, the only vessel in Europe affording to combine research and practice onboard for training of specialists and researchers, becomes the floating university for the duration of the project. It is a steel-hulled, ice-strengthened ship for  Arctic supply and oceanographic research, completely refurbished to meet both passenger and oceanographic needs.

The project was made possible through the joint efforts of Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NArFU), Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia (Roshydromet) and the Arkhangelsk Branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

The Arctic Floating University conducts oceanographical, hydro-chemical, geographical, glaciological, meteorological, seismological, radiological, biological and other research in the White Sea, the Barents Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea, the Chuckchee Sea, as well as Wrangel Island in the harborage area of the White Sea and the Barents Sea of the Arctic Ocean. The vessel can accomodate up to 80 passengers (including staff).

The expedition's objectives: complex interdisciplinary research of the Arctic environment; promotion of advanced scientific knowledge about the conditions and changes of the Arctic environment; development of recommendations for the sustainable development of the region and the preservation of the Arctic ecosystem; training young specialists for work in the Arctic.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Konstantin Zaikov

Head of the Arctic Centre of Strategical Research

Tel.: +7 (8182) 21 61 17

e-mail: k.zaikov@narfu.ru 


Research vessel, the Arctic region, interdisciplinary research, sustainable development, environment


Russian / English

NArFU’s Intellectual Center - Scientific Library named after E.I. Ovsyankin

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

All Research fields


NArFU’s Intellectual Center - Scientific Library named after E.I. Ovsyankin aims at integration of culture, education and research. The main library collection comprises about 1 200 000 volumes including:

books on general loan;

rare books; local history collection; arctic-fund collection; theses and dissertations; foreign literature; books in Nordic languages; Economics and Law collection; reference collection; periodicals

PhD thesis; methodological handbooks, textbooks, etc.

Brief description:

NArFU’s Scientific Library is an innovative center providing a wide range of editions for education and research and offering traditional and e-reading halls, quick access to Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library resources, new library technologies and supplementary services.  The core task of the Library is to create an attractive, comfortable library environment for NArFU’s students and personnel via the development of an informational space for education and research. The library stock includes over 1,2 mln items. The Library is also home to the Arctic Fund – a research and educational platform for e-interaction between the Arctic countries. The Library has organized many intellectual activities for students and general public. 


Russian: http://library.narfu.ru/rus/Pages/default.aspx 

English: http://library.narfu.ru/eng/Pages/default.aspx 


Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Address: office 601, 1, Smolny Buyan St., Arkhangelsk, Russia, 163002

e-mail: library@narfu.ru    

Alexander Hildebrant

Director of the Library 

Tel.: +7 (8182) 68-26-98

Svetlana Tyukina 

Deputy Director on development and project activity

Tel.: +7 (8182) 68-26-98 

Elena  Belyaeva

Deputy Director on resources and information and library services

Tel.: +7 (8182) 21 61 40


Library, e-library, information source, the Arctic, rare books,  Educatment 


Russian/ English

Innovative facilities Engineering and Innovation Center «Advanced Northern Bioresources Processing Technologies»

Infrastructure Type:

Research centre

Research fields:

Chemistry, manufacturing and processing


Development of new environmentally friendly and economically efficient technologies for processing of renewable natural resources

Brief description :

The Center operates the following laboratories:

- Laboratory for modeling and research of pulp and cardboard composition (unique CRS Reactor Engineering equipment for executing and research of pulp cooking,  bleaching, stock-screening)

- Laboratory for analyzing macro- and microstructure of pulp-and-paper materials (spectrophotometer Elrepho) 

- Laboratory of organic synthesis

- Laboratory for controlling and research of pulp, paper and cardboard properties (pull test machines, folding endurance and bursting testers, ultrasonic, Scott Bond delamination resistance tester)

- Laboratory for modeling the processes of fibre semi-finished products

- Laboratory of membrane and filtering materials

- Laboratory of complex processing of bioresources

- Laboratory of oxidizing methods of delignification

- Laboratory of microclonal propagation of plants

- Laboratory of biotechnology

- Laboratory of microscopic research of fibre semi-finished products

All the equipment provides the opportunity to meet the needs of the Russian and foreign standards and specifications. All the measurement data can additionally be analyzed by the means of software programmes developed by the staff and defended by a patent. 




Available for both internal and external users. 

Online request template is available: http://www.narfu.ru/science/SEC/north_biosources/zayavka.php

Prices (in Russian language) are available: 


Contact Info:

Julia Sevastianova


Phone: +7952-2511246, +7 (8182) 65-00-92

E-mail: j.sevastyanova@yandex.ru    


Biomass, research


Russian / English

Regional Resource Centre of Inclusive Education

Infrastructure Type:

Research Centre/Institute


  • Education Science
  • Psychology
  • Teacher training


The Resource Centre is an innovational poly-functional structure developed for learners with special educational needs (people with disabilities). The Centre supports educational process of students with disabilities.


The Resource Centre of Inclusive education aims at psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education for learners with disabilities. The main functions of the Centre are:

  • psychological, pedagogical and methodological support of inclusive education
  • training of specialists implementing inclusive education
  • conducting research in the sphere of inclusive education
  • implementation of professional development programmes/courses for teachers who work with students with disabilities

The Centre is equipped with specialized equipment (typhloprinters, Braille displays, typhlocomputers, magnifiers, etc.) to adapt available information to the needs of learners with special educational needs.

The Centre includes laboratories:

  • Laboratory of psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education
  • Laboratory of troubled childhood
  • Technical surdologist laboratory




Available for both internal and external users

Contact Info:

Elena Pekisheva
Director of the Centre,
Tel.: +7 960 001 97 52
Address: office 205 (NArFU’s Scientific Library)
1, Smolny Buyan St., Arkhangelsk, Russia, 163002


Inclusive education, special educational needs, students with disabilities, psychology, pedagogy, hearing/visual impairments

Higher Engineering school facilities (centers and labs)

Internships: Higher Engineering School (studying area: Construction in a cold climate)

Research and Education Center “Nanostructures in Science of Construction Materials”

Infrastructure Type:

Research Centre/Institute

Research fields:

  • Building and civil engineering

  • Chemistry

  • Education centre

  • Engineering


The Center is tasked with enhancing the efficiency of academic and research activities within constructional material engineering; and managing the processes of building composites quality development, taking into account disperse resource surface condition

Brief description :

The complex of Centre’s laboratories (soil mechanics, ground science, building material engineering, composite materials) is equipped with the cutting-edge testing facilities to test constructional materials, structures, grounds according to GOST standards.

New nanotechnology-based materials are studied and developed on the basis of the “Physics and chemistry of Nano-Disperse System Surface” platform, which is a complex of complementary sci-tech facilities to study physical and mechanical properties and surface phenomena occurring

at phase boundaries of micro- and nano-disperse systems.

The Centre includes:




Available for both internal and external users. Request form template:


Contact Info:

Arkady Aizenshtadt

Head, Doctor in Chemistry Science, Professor

Tel.: +7  (8182) 41 28 33 

E-mail: a.isenshtadt@narfu.ru


Nanomaterials, nanosystems, disperse system, building materials, composite materials, soil mechanics, fire expertise


Russian / English

Soils and Building Materials Lab

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Building and civil engineering

  • Engineering


The lab incorporates a complex of labs (soils mechanics, building material studies) equipped with up-to-date testing devices.

Brief description :

The lab allows 

  • testing of building materials, structures and products: determination of physical and mechanical properties of cement, aggregates for exposed finish and mortars (sand, crushed stone, gravel), artificial stone materials (light and heavy aggregate concrete, building mortars, concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products, silica and loam bricks, stones

  • testing of soils: defining physical, deformational and strength characteristics, share of organic substances, filtration coefficient, seasonal freezing and thawing depth, frost susceptibility, static and dynamic sounding, triaxial compression of soils in stabilometer

  • lab of numerical modeling: Plaxis, Ansys, Geostudio.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Anatoly Zaruchevnykh

Tel.: +7 (8182) 47 93 93 

 e-mail: geolog-agtu@mail.ru

Address: office 2103, 21, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 163002


complex engineering surveys, geotechnical survey, bearing structures, engineering communications, soils testing


Russian / English

Unique research set “Physics and chemistry of nano-disperse systems surface”

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

  • Building and civil engineering

  • Chemistry

  • Engineering


A unique set to visually monitor nano-composite materials conglomeration processes, to measure free surface energy of nano- and high-disperse systems of different rocks, etc.

Brief description :

The set is one-of-a-kind in the sphere of the system of visual monitoring of nano-composite materials conglomeration processes, measuring the free surface energy of nano- and high-disperse systems of different rocks, obtaining and identifying particles in micro- and nano-dimension range. The set can be used for research in building materials sciences, chemical technology, metallurgy, mining industry.

The set includes the following equipment:

- Laser particle analyzer Lasentec D600L (for big amounts of samples)

- Supplementary system of laser analyzer S400E (for small amounts of samples)

- Video-microscopy system V819

- Automatic analyzer of fineness and pores Autosorb-iQ-MP

- Vibrating mill MB-20

- Heating and freezing camera TXB-64

- Thermal conductivity meter МИТ-1

- Building materials moisture content meter ВИМС-2.21

- Particle analyzer DelsaNano C Zeta Potential/Submicron Size Analyzer (0.6-7 mm)

- IKA Magic Lab

- Planetary ball mill PM-100 (Retsch)

- Analytic quality water generating system

- Smoke-developed index measuring set

- Small burner set (shaft-type furnace)

- Polymer material toxicity equivalent measuring set

- Set for measuring flammability of building materials

- Set for measuring combustibility of building materials

- Set for measuring flame propagation index, 

- etc.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Anatoly Zaruchevnykh

Tel.: +7 (8182) 47 93 93 

 e-mail: geolog-agtu@mail.ru

Address: office 2103, 21, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 163002


complex engineering surveys, geotechnical survey, bearing structures, engineering communications, soils testing


Russian / English

Scientific Research and Design Centre

Infrastructure Type:

Research Centre/Institute

Research fields:

  • Building and civil engineering

  • Engineering


The Centre aims at solving a range of tasks related to design, construction and operation of buildings and foundations, bearing and envelope structures, communications within complex engineering, geological and climatic conditions of the Arkhangelsk Region, Nenets Autonomous Area, and Komi Republic.

Brief description :

The Centre provides:

  • complex surveys of foundations, bearing and envelope structures, engineering communications,

  • geotechnical investigations,

  • soils and materials testing

  • scientific support of construction under complex engineering, geological and climatic conditions




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Anatoly Zaruchevnykh

Tel.: +7 (8182) 47 93 93 

 e-mail: geolog-agtu@mail.ru

Address: office 2103, 21, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 163002


complex engineering surveys, geotechnical survey, bearing structures, engineering communications, soils testing


Russian / English

Lab of fire engineering expertise of building materials

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Building and civil engineering, engineering


The lab provides fire engineering expertise of building materials.

Brief description :

The lab examines building materials by defining the following fire engineering characteristics:

  • flammability group

  • combustibility

  • inflammation temperature, spontaneous inflammation temperature, glowing combustion temperature of solid substances and materials

  • smoke-developed index

  • flame propagation index

  • flame propagation on surfaces of floor and roof coatings

  • toxicity of combustion products of polymer materials

  • fire-protective properties of wood

  • ability of textile materials to resist inflammation and steady-state combustion




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Viktor Danilov

Head of the lab

Tel.: +7(8182)41-28-33; 8-902-195-0715

e-mail:  v.danilov@narfu.ru


Fire technical expertise, flammability of materials, toxicity, combustibility


Russian / English

Lab of building and finishing materials expertise and quality control

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Building and civil engineering, engineering


The lab aims at managing building and finishing materials quality.

Brief description :

The lab’s competencies are:

- inorganic binding materials

- nonmetallic building materials

- paint and lacquer materials

- water

- ceramic tile

- building materials




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Victor Danilov

Tel.: +7(8182) 41 28 33

e-mail: v.danilov@narfu.ru


Quality of materials, building materials


Russian / English

Microanalysis and Laser Technologis Lab

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Technical Engineering


  • Development and enhancement of laser thermal treatment, and cutting technologies;

  • Research into metals and alloys structure formation processes;

  • Technical expert examination of causes of machine parts' or mechanisms' malfuction, wear, and breakage. 

Brief description :

Equipment and facilities: transient laser heating and cutting facility; metallographic microscopes; hardness meters; alloys' chemical composition analyzers; fracture testing machines.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Igor Dumanskiy, Head of Department of Technical Engineering, Associate Professor  Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-89-91  E-mail: i.dumanskij@narfu.ru


Thermal treatment,  cutting technologies, microanalysis, laser Technologis


Russian / English

Casting and Welding Process Lab

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Technical Engineering


Development and enhancement of metals and alloys casting and welding.

Brief description :

Equipment and facilities: forming/molding instrucments; melting furnaces; welding equipment. 




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Igor Dumanskiy, Head of Department of Technical Engineering, Associate Professor  Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-89-91  E-mail: i.dumanskij@narfu.ru


 Casting, welding.


Russian / English

Thermal Treatment Lab

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Technical Engineering


Development and enhancement of state-of-the-art technologies for thermal processing of alloys, including those employing dedicated fast heating facilities.

Brief description :

Equipment and facilities: muffle furnaces; hardness meters; two dedicated fast heating and impact molding facilities; one-of-a-kind test facility for thin belts' and plates' mechanical properties analysis.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Igor Dumanskiy, Head of Department of Technical Engineering, Associate Professor  Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-89-91  E-mail: i.dumanskij@narfu.ru


 State-of-the-art technologies,  thermal processing, fast heating facilities.


Russian / English

Cutting Work Lab

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Technical Engineering


Development and enhancement of advanced cutting-based processing technologies;

Brief description :

Equipment and facilities: turning, milling, boring, planing, and gear-shaping machines;  numerical control turning machine; cutting processes analysis and measuring set.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Igor Dumanskiy, Head of Department of Technical Engineering, Associate Professor  Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-89-91  E-mail: i.dumanskij@narfu.ru


Cutting, measuring


Russian / English

Basic Interchangeability and Technical Measurement Lab

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Technical Engineering


Analysis of surface quality and casting defects as may be caused by various treatment techniques.

Brief description :

Equipment and facilities: mechanical and optical measurement instrumentation; toolmakers' microscopes; surface plates; calibrating devices; profile meter and recorder.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Igor Dumanskiy, Head of Department of Technical Engineering, Associate Professor  Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-89-91  E-mail: i.dumanskij@narfu.ru


Surface quality, casting defects, measuring


Russian / English

Benchwork Lab

Infrastructure Type:


Research fields:

Technical Engineering


Analysis of surface lapping and accurate grinding processes designed to achieve superlow roughness.

Brief description :

Equipment and facilities: benchwork, measuring, calibrating and lapping machines set.




Available for both internal and external users.

Contact Info:

Igor Dumanskiy, Head of Department of Technical Engineering, Associate Professor  Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-89-91  E-mail: i.dumanskij@narfu.ru


Surface lapping, grinding, measuring


Russian / English