
Институт математики, информационных и космических технологий

Заочный финансово-экономический институт

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Институт теоретической и прикладной химии

Институт физической культуры, спорта и здоровья

Институт филологии и межкультурной коммуникации

Институт экономики и управления

Институт энергетики и транспорта

Лесотехнический институт

Юридический институт

Гуманитарный институт филиала в Северодвинске

Институт судостроения и морской арктической техники филиала в Северодвинске

Коряжемский филиал

Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров



Версия для печати


Arctic Floating University-2017 - «ARCTICUM INCOGNITA»
Dates: July 08-28, 2017


Arctic Floating University-2016 - “Solving Novaya Zemlya Mysteries
Dates: June 07-27, 2016


Arctic Floating University-2015 an international expedition Exploring Russian Arctic
Dates: July 1-20, 2015


Arctic Floating University expedition under the auspices of the Arctic Council
Dates: August 1 -20 August 2014


June-July: Expedition launched by NArFU and the Northern UGMS (Hydrometeo Service Directorate) as part of the joint project “Arctic Floating University-2013”


June-July: Expedition launched by NArFU and the Northern UGMS (Hydrometeo Service Directorate) as part of the joint project “Arctic Floating University-2012”. The project was implemented onboard the research vessel Professor Molchanov. The expedition lasted for 40 days in the White and the Barents Seas near the Spitsbergen archipelago. Among the expedition members were the University’s best performing students, lecturers and researchers from the Northern UGMS, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, State Oceanographic Institute, Russian State Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic and the Russian Arctic National Park.


April-June 2011: research and sport expedition «Seven Tops of Alaska». The expedition was devoted to the 300th anniversary of Michael Lomonosov and the 70th anniversary of the Arctic convoys. During 40 days a team from NArFU walked a distance of more than 450 km over the snow-covered territory of the northernmost American state. Arkhangelsk sportsmen went up seven mountain tops (Mount Bear, Mount Bona, Mount Churchill, Mount Regal, Mount Blackburn, Mount Wrangel, Mount Zanetti), the highest peak of the route being Mount Bona (5005 m). The climbers went through the four passes, three of them were given new names by the pathfinders: Michael Lomonosov, Northern (Arctic) Federal University and Archangel. The “Seven Tops of Alaska” project was awarded with the Red Fox Challenge grant – 2011.

June 1–11, 2011: Expedition onboard the research vessel Ivan Petrov to the White Sea. The data collected by the researchers from the marine hydrological sections was reflected in detailed reports that cover climate changes in the Arctic which is often referred to by academic and research community as “kitchen of the planet’s weather”.

July 12–24, 2011: Folklore and anthropological expedition to the Winter Coast of the White Sea visiting the villages of Ruchji and Megra in Mezen municipality of Arkhangelsk region. Collectionof Pomor and Nenets folk tales and study of indigenous people’s identity.

July – September, 2011: Russian research expedition Alaska-2011. One of its tasks was historical and geographical reconstruction of the route once used by our ancestors to deliver goods to inner land of Alaska. The studies of local communities were carried out simultaneously.

July 2011: Expedition to Novaya Zemlya. The expedition planted six signs on the Pinegin cope and in several other places showing that the territory belongs to the Russian Arctic national park.

July 1 – August 10, 2011: NArFU’s first archeological expedition aiming to study the heritage of the Solovetsky Monastery. The collected information and data will help reconstruct the ruined buildings and, in particular, the dwelling of the Hegumen (Abbot) Philip Kolychev.

August 5, 2011: Expedition onboard the research vessel Professor Molchanov operated by the Northern UGMS (Hydrometo Service Directorate). The route of the expedition was the following: Arkhangelsk – Pevek – Wrangel Island – Pevek – Arkhangelsk. The voyage lasted for 45 days. The expedition members included employees of the Northern UGMS, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Arkhangelsk Office of the Russian Geographical Society and a film crew from the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Researchers have conducted joint investigations of the hydrometeorological conditions in the White, Barents, Kara, Laptev, East Siberian and Chuckchee Seas, as well as of ecological situation on the Wrangel Island. Researchers from Arkhangelsk Office of the Russian Geographical Society did a research work within a project “In the footsteps of the Pomors”.

November – December, 2011: A joint polar expedition launched by the Institute of Ecological Problems of the North (RAS Ural Branch) and M.V. Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University to the natural boundary of Pym-Va-Shor (in the near-Polar Urals). The researchers carried out joint integrated biochemical and geoecological investigations at the thermal source of Pym-va-Shor in the winter time.