Arctic biomonitoring laboratory

лаборатория биомониторинга.jpg

Direction of scientific research

Development of methodologies for monitoring, assessment, forecasting and prevention of risks related to transfer of toxic pollutants through biological pathways capable of accumulating in trophic chains and spreading in Arctic ecosystems

Leading Scientist

Yngvar Thomassen - Leading Scientist

He has given over 275 presentations on various aspects of his research, of which 105 were invited lectures at major conferences and symposia. In the period 1983-91 he was a member of the Commission on Toxicology, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (titular) member from 1986, where he initiated the development of human body fluids as quality assurance materials for the measurement of minor, trace and ultra-trace elements and organic metabolites. From 2011-2014 he served as a titular member in the Analytical Chemistry Division. More »

Research support laboratory will appear in NarFU with Hokkaido University

Research support laboratory will appear in NarFU with Hokkaido University

The corresponding agreement was signed by the vice-rector of NArFU for international cooperation Konstantin Zaikov and the director of the Arctic Research Center of Hokkaido University Yasushi Fukamachi.

Within the framework of the Arctic Science Week, a session entitled “Arctic Law: Modern Legal Regulation, Training and Research” was held.

Within the framework of the Arctic Science Week, a session entitled “Arctic Law: Modern Legal Regulation, Training and Research” was held.

The panel discussion included a dialogue on the formation of the Arctic law as a separate group of legal norms. They discussed current challenges in the field of legal regulation in the Arctic, the mechanisms and tools for the development of Arctic law, the integration of traditions and innovations, the training of specialists in the field of Arctic law, the improvement of legal mechanisms for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples of the Arctic, the protection of health of northerners and other issues.

Published materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring" on the platform IOPscience

Published materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring" on the platform IOPscience

The materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring " which was held at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, November 26-27, 2018. The collection of materials released by IOP Publishing (UK) in the online journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. This journal is indexed in leading scientific databases such as Scopus and the Web of Science.

