Arctic biomonitoring laboratory

лаборатория биомониторинга.jpg

Direction of scientific research

Development of methodologies for monitoring, assessment, forecasting and prevention of risks related to transfer of toxic pollutants through biological pathways capable of accumulating in trophic chains and spreading in Arctic ecosystems

Leading Scientist

Yngvar Thomassen - Leading Scientist

He has given over 275 presentations on various aspects of his research, of which 105 were invited lectures at major conferences and symposia. In the period 1983-91 he was a member of the Commission on Toxicology, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (titular) member from 1986, where he initiated the development of human body fluids as quality assurance materials for the measurement of minor, trace and ultra-trace elements and organic metabolites. From 2011-2014 he served as a titular member in the Analytical Chemistry Division. More »

NArFU Hosted Roundtable on Migratory Birds as Sources of Pollutants and Pathogens Transfer to the Arctic

NArFU Hosted Roundtable on Migratory Birds as Sources of Pollutants and Pathogens Transfer to the Arctic

Today, October 12, NArFU Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory hosted a roundtable that discussed the “Monitoring of Risks Associated with Transfer of Pollutants and Pathogens to the Arctic by Migratory Birds”. Attended by leading experts and early career scientists based in Russia, the roundtable was held within the framework of the III International Conference “Biomonitoring in the Arctic — 2022”.

An employee of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory won a grant "Young Scientists of Pomorie"

An employee of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory won a grant "Young Scientists of Pomorie"

Research assistant of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory, PhD student of the Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology and Genomics of Hydrobionts at the Institute for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic of the Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic Dmitry Kotsur won a grant "Young Scientists of Pomorie" with the project "Research of the impact of polychlorinated biphenyls on the reproductive system of fish Danio rerio".

NArFU researchers delivered a series of lectures to students of the University of Oxford

NArFU researchers delivered a series of lectures to students of the University of Oxford

Last week, upon the invitation from the University of Oxford, the researchers at NArFU contributed to Oxford University Polar Forum, whose recent series of seminars was devoted to the Russian Arctic.

NarFU scientists gave lectures for students of the University of Oxford

NarFU scientists gave lectures for students of the University of Oxford

Last week, NArFU employees, at the invitation of professors from the University of Oxford, took part in the Oxford University Polar Forum, the topic of which this semester was the Russian Arctic.

The results of studies of fish samples from the Norilo-Pyasinsk water system were announced

The results of studies of fish samples from the Norilo-Pyasinsk water system were announced

On March 11, 2021, in Dudinka (Krasnoyarsk Region), a meeting was held between the leaders of the Taymyr indigenous communities and representatives of the Arctic Development Project Officeduring which the results of the study of fish samples from the Norilo-Pyasinsk water system were announced.

A conference " Arctic Biomonitoring " was held at NArFU

A conference " Arctic Biomonitoring " was held at NArFU

On October 27-28, 2020, the II International Conference "Biomonitoring in the Arctic" was held at NArFU. The main topics of the event were: industrial development of the Arctic and preservation of biodiversity, traditional and modern methods of biomonitoring research, medical and environmental well-being of the population of the region, legal regulation of environmental safety.

NArFU experts participated in NDI Policy Brief Training day

NArFU experts participated in NDI Policy Brief Training day

International research project NDI Think Tank has recently hosted an online NDI Policy Brief Training day, a short hands-on training on writing policy briefs and recommendations intended for authorities and spanning the four core topics of the NDI (Transport and Logistics, Environment, Health and Social Welfare, and Culture) from the perspective of effective research-based communication.

2nd information letter of the International Conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020"

2nd information letter of the International Conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020"

Dear Colleagues! In connection with the spread of COVID-19 in Russia and the world, the organizing committee of the international conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020", taking into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization, orders of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, informs that the conference will be held online on the Zoom platform .

Interactive Testing "Natural Intelligence"

Interactive Testing "Natural Intelligence"

The speed of light, Pavlov's dog and the formula of water: test your knowledge of natural sciences

NArFU scientists joined the commission for studying the consequences of the oil spill in Norilsk

NArFU scientists joined the commission for studying the consequences of the oil spill in Norilsk

Since June 28, scientists have been working in Norilsk, where an oil spill occurred as a result of the accident. Their task is to find out how this emergency can affect the way of life and traditional crafts of the indigenous peoples living in that part of the Taimyr Peninsula.

NArFU employee won the UMNIK grant

NArFU employee won the UMNIK grant

Yulia Varakina, engineer of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, postgraduate student of the Department of Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, won a grant from the UMNIK Innovation Promotion Foundation in the field of Biotechnology. During the implementation of the project, research and development work will be carried out on the topic "Development of a certified reference material for biomaterial validation of the method for determining lipophilic contaminants in fish and seafood."

NArFU specialists took part in a round table dedicated to innovative technologies of school feeding

NArFU specialists took part in a round table dedicated to innovative technologies of school feeding

The main goal of the event is to determine the main directions for the development of school feeding technologies, including for students living in the Arctic region, based on the study of physiological, genetic and biophysical characteristics of adolescent metabolism and psycho-emotional preferences in nutrition.

Researcher from NArFU will receive a grant for half a million under the program "Umnik"

Researcher from NArFU will receive a grant for half a million under the program "Umnik"

Yulia Varakina, engineer of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, postgraduate student of the Department of Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology of NArFU named after MV Lomonosov, was among the winners of the final of the UMNIK grant program of the Fund for the Promotion of Innovations (FPI).

2nd information letter about International Conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020" will be posted on the website 11/05/2020

2nd information letter about International Conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020" will be posted on the website 11/05/2020

In connection with the spread of COVID-19 in Russia and the world, the organizing committee of the international conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020", taking into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization, orders of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, informs that the 2nd information letter, including the requirements for articles and the cost of publication will be posted on the website 11/05/2020.

It is you who can receive a one-time scholarship of 100,000 rubles!

It is you who can receive a one-time scholarship of 100,000 rubles!

We continue to accept applications for the Tele2 Scholarship Program. In this difficult period of self-isolation, you probably have a lot of ideas that you want to share! You just need to believe in success! To win, you need to prepare a small research paper (up to 10 pages + presentation) in free format on one of the stated topics.

Development of biosensors at the Alferov winter school

Development of biosensors at the Alferov winter school

From January 27 to February 1, on the St. Petersburg Research Academic University, the Alferov Winter School was held (organized in honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician Zh.I. Alferov, the Nobel Laureate in Physics and the founder of the University), in which students from all over Russia got acquainted with the current research of the institute. The fourth-year student-biotechnologist of the Higher School of Natural Sciences and Technologies, Elizaveta Kvashninova, took part in the work of the school, who passed the preliminary correspondence selection and worked on the project.

Summer School “Arctic Law”

Summer School “Arctic Law”

It is a great pleasure to announce the Summer School “Arctic Law” to be held on 12-18th of July 2020 in the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia.

Arkhangelsk - Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, has established a scholarship program for students of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov. Students studying the impact of digital technology on the development of the nort

Arkhangelsk - Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, has established a scholarship program for students of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov. Students studying the impact of digital technology on the development of the nort

Arkhangelsk - Tele2, an alternative mobile operator, has established a scholarship program for students of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov. Students studying the impact of digital technology on the development of the northern territories can apply for grants of up to 100,000 rubles.

NArFU students will be able to receive additional scholarships from T2 Mobile

NArFU students will be able to receive additional scholarships from T2 Mobile

The agreement was signed by the rector of NArFU Elena Kudryashova and the director of the Arkhangelsk branch of T2 Mobile Alexander Kulba. The main goal of the agreement is mutually beneficial cooperation between the university and T2 Mobile, aimed at improving the quality of education, the development of scientific research and cultural activities.

Whale Lower Jaw - Uelkal

Whale Lower Jaw - Uelkal

In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, traditional whaling has been preserved. During the expeditionary work, employees of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory visited the village of Uelkal in early August, whose indigenous inhabitants are engaged in the extraction of sea animals.

Pink salmon fishing in the Gulf of the Cross

Pink salmon fishing in the Gulf of the Cross

Fishing for salmon species is a very important element in Arctic life. Pacific salmon everywhere spawn in the rivers of the basin of the North Pacific Ocean from the Bering Strait along the Asian coast to North Korea and along the North American coast to California.

NArFU scientists conduct biological monitoring in the Arctic

NArFU scientists conduct biological monitoring in the Arctic

The Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory has brought together chemists, biologists, doctors, lawyers from all over the world to monitor, evaluate, predict and prevent the risks associated with the spread of highly toxic pollutants in the Arctic ecosystems. 

TransArctic 2019

TransArctic 2019

An employee of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory Chukmasov Pavel, as part of a group of zoologists, took part in the expedition of the 2nd stage of the Transarctic 2019 at the RV “Mikhail Somov” from May 15 to June 14, 2019.

Igor Manzhurov: Highly qualified personnel should work in the Arctic

Igor Manzhurov: Highly qualified personnel should work in the Arctic

Head of the Ural Territorial Administration of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Igor Manzhurov visited NArFU. Within the framework of his visit, a meeting was held with the leadership of the university, at which joint research of NArFU and FRCCRA, the use of the scientific infrastructure of the university during joint work were discussed.

Research support laboratory will appear in NarFU with Hokkaido University

Research support laboratory will appear in NarFU with Hokkaido University

The corresponding agreement was signed by the vice-rector of NArFU for international cooperation Konstantin Zaikov and the director of the Arctic Research Center of Hokkaido University Yasushi Fukamachi.

Within the framework of the Arctic Science Week, a session entitled “Arctic Law: Modern Legal Regulation, Training and Research” was held.

Within the framework of the Arctic Science Week, a session entitled “Arctic Law: Modern Legal Regulation, Training and Research” was held.

The panel discussion included a dialogue on the formation of the Arctic law as a separate group of legal norms. They discussed current challenges in the field of legal regulation in the Arctic, the mechanisms and tools for the development of Arctic law, the integration of traditions and innovations, the training of specialists in the field of Arctic law, the improvement of legal mechanisms for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples of the Arctic, the protection of health of northerners and other issues.

Published materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring" on the platform IOPscience

Published materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring" on the platform IOPscience

The materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring " which was held at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, November 26-27, 2018. The collection of materials released by IOP Publishing (UK) in the online journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. This journal is indexed in leading scientific databases such as Scopus and the Web of Science.

Youth Day of the International Forum "Arctic-Territory Dialogue"

Youth Day of the International Forum "Arctic-Territory Dialogue"

April 8, 2019 in St. Petersburg, in the framework of the International Forum “The Arctic — the Territory of Dialogue”, the Youth Day was held. The forum from the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory was attended by engineers Yulia Varakina, Anna Trofimova and laboratory researcher Pavel Chukmasov.


The Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory invites to undergo training in the advanced training program "Modern Analytical Methods in Quantitative Chemical Analysis" in the period from March 11 to March 15, 2019

The aim of the program is to improve students competencies necessary for professional activity in the field of research and development, in terms of applying modern analytical methods of quantitative chemical analysis in analyzing samples of objects of natural and anthropogenic genesis.

 A conference ”Arctic biomonitoring” opened at NarFU

A conference ”Arctic biomonitoring” opened at NarFU

The main topics of the First International Conference “Arctic Biomonitoring ”, which takes place at the university from 26 to 27 November, were the impact of industrial exploration of the northern latitudes on the environment, medical and ecological well-being of people and legal regulation in these areas. Among the speakers of the event are leading scientists from Russia and the world.

NArFU to host international conference “Arctic Biomonitoring”

NArFU to host international conference “Arctic Biomonitoring”

It is a great pleasure to announce the International Conference on Arctic Biomonitoring held on 26-27 November, 2018 in Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. The event is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

NArFU Arctic Floating University set off for the tenth expedition

NArFU Arctic Floating University set off for the tenth expedition

Researchers from four continents on the Terra Nova expedition will pass through three seas — the White, the Barents and the Karsky — and collect unique data from the east coast of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. The solemn dispatch of the expedition took place on the square in front of the main building of the university.

NArFU young scientists will receive grants from the Russian Science Foundation for the Presidential Program of Research Projects

NArFU young scientists will receive grants from the Russian Science Foundation for the Presidential Program of Research Projects

The Russian Science Foundation announced the results of grant competitions for the “Conducting research by research teams under the guidance of young scientists” and “Conducting initiative research by young scientists” of the Presidential program of research projects. Among the winners are three representatives of NArFU.

Nikita Sobolev received the prize for the best poster report from the Norwegian Chemical Society at the IX Conference on Spectrochemistry in Plasma

Nikita Sobolev received the prize for the best poster report from the Norwegian Chemical Society at the IX Conference on Spectrochemistry in Plasma

Junior researcher at the arctic biomonitoring laboratory of NArFU Nikita Sobolev took part in the 9th Conference on Spectrochemistry in Plasma (9TH Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry) organized by the leading scientist of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring Ingvar Tomassen.

Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory NArFU successfully passed accreditation

Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory NArFU successfully passed accreditation

The arctic biomonitoring laboratory of NArFU has been accredited to the National System. This allows you to conduct research work not only in the scientific interests of the university, but also in the framework of work on external orders.

Head of Nenets Autonomous Region Alexander Tsybulsky visited NArFU

Head of Nenets Autonomous Region Alexander Tsybulsky visited NArFU

Representatives of the Nenets Autonomous Region, headed by the Acting Governor Alexander Tsybulsky, on April 29 got acquainted with the research infrastructure of the university and discussed prospects for cooperation with the leadership of the university.

«This laboratory has prospects for expanding the scope of research» - Grigory Trubnikov assessed the laboratory of Arctic biomonitoring in NArFU

«This laboratory has prospects for expanding the scope of research» - Grigory Trubnikov assessed the laboratory of Arctic biomonitoring in NArFU

Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Grigory Trubnikov visited the new and updated NArFU research centers. The guest was particularly impressed work of the staff of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory.


Employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory presented a report at the conference "Development of the UK-Russian Arctic Research and Collaboration Network"

Employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory , engineers Pesiakova Anastasia and Elena Gusakova took part in the conference of the project "Development of the UK-Russian Arctic Research and Collaboration Network", which was held on the basis of the NArFU from March 1 to 3.

Scientists NArFU will trace changing of health of inhabitants of Arctic regions

Scientists NArFU will trace changing of health of inhabitants of Arctic regions

Researchers of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory of the NArFU are studying the ways of pollutants transferring to the organism of the far north inhabitants. These toxicants are transmitted to humans through the consumption of migratory species of birds, fish and animals.

Scientists of the NArFU find out what dangers hidden in eggs of Arctic birds

Scientists of the NArFU find out what dangers hidden in eggs of Arctic birds

Researchers of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory of the NArFU continue to conduct research within the framework of the mega-project of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory research team took part in the exhibition of scientific and technical achievements of the NArFU

The Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory research team took part in the exhibition of scientific and technical achievements of the NArFU

Workers of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring, led by the leading scientist of the laboratory Ingvar Thomassen, presented the laboratory at the exhibition of scientific and technical achievements of the NArFU.

Yngvar Thomassen conducted an open lecture in NArFU on the impact of climate change on human health

Yngvar Thomassen conducted an open lecture in NArFU on the impact of climate change on human health

Professor of the Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health and leading scientist of the megafelt-project NArFU Yngvar Thomassen told the audience about how global warming can affect human health in the foreseeable future.

Yngvar Thomassen will give an open lecture - Global Warming and Climate Change's Impact on Human Health

Yngvar Thomassen will give an open lecture - Global Warming and Climate Change's Impact on Human Health

Professor of the National Institute of Occupational Health (Oslo, Norway) and leading scientist of the mega-project of the NArFU on the development of methodology for biological monitoring of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Yngvar Thomassen will give an open lecture - Global Warming and Climate Change's Impact on Human Health.

Scientists of the NArFU study the ecological state of terrestrial ecosystems on the territory of the Solovetsky Archipelago

Scientists of the NArFU study the ecological state of terrestrial ecosystems on the territory of the Solovetsky Archipelago

PhD student of NArFU, employee of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Anna Trofimova at the interregional youth research conference "Geoecological problems of the European North and the Arctic" told about the accumulation of nutrients in the soils around the filling station of the Solovetsky village.

The Expert Council on the questions of an Extreme North discussed the strategy of demographic development of the region

The Expert Council on the questions of an Extreme North discussed the strategy of demographic development of the region

The first in this year meeting of the Expert Council on the Legislative Support for the Development of the North, the Far East, the Arctic and Territories Equated to them was held by the State Duma on February 5. The Council was created last autumn, the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, deputy from the Arkhangelsk region Olga Epifanova is headed it.

 Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory expands the network of cooperation

Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory expands the network of cooperation

During a visit to Tromsø, Tatiana Sorokina, the head of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory, and Andrey Aksenov, the head of the sector, held a number of meetings in Norway's leading laboratories engaged in research in the field of environmental protection, biological monitoring and climate change.

 «Arctic Frontiers — 2018»: Looking for a balance between business, commercial activity and environment

«Arctic Frontiers — 2018»: Looking for a balance between business, commercial activity and environment

From January 21 to 26, the 12th annual international conference "Arctic Frontiers" was held in Tromsø, Norway. Politicians, businessmen and scientists met to discuss prospects for the development of the Arctic territories at the sites of a major international forum. The event gathered about three thousand registered participants from 35 countries.

At the crossroads of science: how the health of the inhabitants of the Arctic depends on lawyers, engineers and economists

At the crossroads of science: how the health of the inhabitants of the Arctic depends on lawyers, engineers and economists

The head of the NArFU' Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Tatyana Sorokina, about why for the full reclaiming of the Arctic, protection of its unique nature and health of the local residents requires the collaboration of specialists from different countries and different areas of science.

Arkhangelsk mass media told about scientific research in NarFU

Arkhangelsk mass media told about scientific research in NarFU

Within the framework of the "Journalist Living Room" project, representatives of the city and regional publications were able to talk with the university's management, university scientists and visit the Geological Museum named after N.P. Laverova.

On the eve of the New Year the leading scientist of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Yngvar Thomassen shared his impressions from the first year of work in the NarFU

On the eve of the New Year the leading scientist of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Yngvar Thomassen shared his impressions from the first year of work in the NarFU

On the eve of the New Year, the leading scientist of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory, Ingvar Thomassen, shared his impressions of the first year of work in the NArFU in the framework of the mega-project "Development of methodology for monitoring, assessment, prediction and prevention of risks associated with the high level toxic polluting substances transfer via biological pathways. These substances can accumulate in the food chain and spread in Arctic ecosystems."

 In 2018, scientists of the NArFU will expand the geography of the work on the Arctic biomonitoring

In 2018, scientists of the NArFU will expand the geography of the work on the Arctic biomonitoring

Tatyana Sorokina, the head of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory from the NArFU, and Valery Chashchin, chief research officer of the Northwest Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public Health, spoke about the results of the work on the scientific project of the NArFU, which received a mega-project from the Government of the Russian Federation.

MSc students from NArFU Learn the World of Extremophiles

MSc students from NArFU Learn the World of Extremophiles

At the beginning of December 2017, students enrolled in the Master's program "Industrial Biotechnology and Bioengineering" visited the leading laboratories of the Institute of Microbiology named after S.N. Vinogradsky FRC Biotechnology of the RAS, a recognized world center for studying the diversity of prokaryotes.

The laboratory assistant from the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory passed a refresher course in St. Petersburg's "Interregional Center for the Enhancement of Qualifications"

The laboratory assistant from the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory passed a refresher course in St. Petersburg's "Interregional Center for the Enhancement of Qualifications"

The laboratory assistant Bystritskaya Evgeniya passed a refresher course on the topic "Documents preparation for applying for accreditation and confirmation of competence".

Prospects for Russian-British cooperation discussed in the NArFU

Prospects for Russian-British cooperation discussed in the NArFU

On November 16 - 17, the second Russian-British scientific seminar on the project "Development of Russian-British cooperation in the field of Arctic studies" was held on the basis of the NArFU.

Yngvar Thomassen read a lecture on pollutants in the food for the students of the NArFU

Yngvar Thomassen read a lecture on pollutants in the food for the students of the NArFU

The professor of the Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health is leading the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, which received a mega-grant from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Lecture of the leading scientist of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring Ingvar Thomassen

Lecture of the leading scientist of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring Ingvar Thomassen

On November 17, Yngvar Thomassen's lecture "Is there a difference between man-made and naturally occurring pesticides produced by man and created by nature" within the framework of the scientific project "Development of methodology for monitoring, evaluation, forecasting and prevention of risks associated with biological transport of highly toxic pollutants that can accumulate in food chains and spread in Arctic ecosystems."

Employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory enhanced the competencies

Employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory enhanced the competencies

In the period from October 31 to November 3, employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory -  Anna Kosheleva and Nikita Sobolev were trained at the Interregional Center for Advanced Studies (St. Petersburg) at the rate "Introduction of new methods in the laboratory in accordance with modern requirements."

Expedition works in the NAO continue

Expedition works in the NAO continue

Laboratory staff consisting of the head of the laboratory Sorokina T.Yu., head of the sector Aksenov A.S. and laboratory assistant-researcher Veselkina E.A took part in the expedition to Krasnoe settlement for work within the framework of the project in the Nenets Autonomous Area.

Employees of the NArFU discussed with the NAA's governor, Alexander Tsibulsky, the prospects for cooperation between the university and the region

Employees of the NArFU discussed with the NAA's governor, Alexander Tsibulsky, the prospects for cooperation between the university and the region

The delegation of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V Lomonosov, which included employees of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Tatyana Sorokina, Valery Chashchin, Andrei Aksenov, Elena Veselkina, as well as rector's assistant - Eugene Mikhailovsky, met with the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Area - Alexander Vitalievich Tsybulsky in the city of Naryan-Mar.

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring presented the first results of work at the conference EuroArctic - 2017

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring presented the first results of work at the conference EuroArctic - 2017

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring delivered plenary reports at the International Scientific and Practical Conference EuroArctic-2017, which was held for the 4th time in Naryan-Mar.

Employees of NArFU will present their research on EuroArctic-2017

Employees of NArFU will present their research on EuroArctic-2017

Employees of the NArFU's Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory will present their findings at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "EuroArctic - 2017" - "Preservation of the Environment in the Development of the Arctic".

Tamara Rumyantseva got acquainted with the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory and the Geological Museum of the NArFU

Tamara Rumyantseva got acquainted with the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory and the Geological Museum of the NArFU

Today, on October 20, the university was once again visited by the General-Director of the Foundation for Support of Social Innovations "Volnoe Delo", Honorary Doctor of NArFU Tamara Rumyantseva.

NArFU will continue to strengthen relations with Norwegian partners

NArFU will continue to strengthen relations with Norwegian partners

The university management met with the delegation of the Finnmark County and discussed the prospects of Russian-Norwegian cooperation in science, education and culture.

Hokkaido University showed interest in collaboration with NARFU

Hokkaido University showed interest in collaboration with NARFU

On Monday, October 9, a delegation from the Hokkaido University Arctic Research Center (Japan) arrived at the NArFU. Foreign guests got acquainted with the potential of the Arkhangelsk University. The Arctic scientific research development and collaboration opportunities were discussed during this meeting. The Japanese delegation included the Director of the Center - Sei'ichi Saito, Professor Natsuhiko Otsuka, Associate Professor Fujio Onishi and Assistant Professor Evgeny Podolskiy.

Problems of maintaining health in the Arctic have been discussed In St. Petersburg

Problems of maintaining health in the Arctic have been discussed In St. Petersburg

The scientific and practical conference with the international participation of "A Problem of Maintaining Health and Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemiologic Wellbeing of the Population in the Arctic" took place on the 5th-6th of October in St. Petersburg. It was organized by Northwest Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public Health.

Yngvar Tomassen: "Biomonitoring studies are an essential component of managing human risks"

Yngvar Tomassen: "Biomonitoring studies are an essential component of managing human risks"

The leading scientist of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory made a speech at the scientific and practical conference "Problems of Maintaining Health and Support of Sanitary and Epidemiologic Wellbeing of the Population in the Arctic", which took place on October 5-6 in St. Petersburg.

The engineer of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory  took part in the 3rd International Conference Environment and Sustainable Development of Territories: Ecological Challenges of the 21st Century

The engineer of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory took part in the 3rd International Conference Environment and Sustainable Development of Territories: Ecological Challenges of the 21st Century

The engineer of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory, Pesyakova Anastasia, took part in the 3rd International Conference Environment and Sustainable Development of Territories: Ecological Challenges of the 21st Century, which took place in Kazan, Russia 27–29 September 2017.

Realization of the project in NAA

Realization of the project in NAA

From the September 13 to 15, during the expedition works in the Nenets Autonomous Area, the staff of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory - Andrey Aksenov and Natalya Sturlis, visited the delta of the Pechora river where they got acquainted with the seasonal peculiarities of the catching fish.

Results and achievements of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory will be presented on the conference Euroarctic 2017 in Nar'yan Mar

Results and achievements of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory will be presented on the conference Euroarctic 2017 in Nar'yan Mar

On 26th of October 2017 in Nar'yan Mar there will be IV International research/practice conference “EUROARCTIC 2017 – Preservation of the environment in the development of the Arctic”.

Participants of the Barents summer school got acquainted with the project on the study of the transfer of PCBs in Arctic trophic chains

Participants of the Barents summer school got acquainted with the project on the study of the transfer of PCBs in Arctic trophic chains

In the period of August 21st -25th, the IV Barents School for graduate students from 5 countries is held on the basis of NArFU: China, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Russia. Two participants of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, two PhD students of the "Ecology" direction: Pesyakova Anastasia and Elena Gusakova, took part as participants.

Is climate change important for human health?

Is climate change important for human health?

This and other questions related to the factors that influence the spread of pollutants in the environment were answered by Professor Yngvar Thomassen in the second lecture, which was held within the framework of the summer Barents school for postgraduate students.

Yngvar Thomassen about global warming and climate change

Yngvar Thomassen about global warming and climate change

Professor Thomassen, a Leading scientist at the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, NArFU, spoke at the Barents Summer School for PhD students with a lecture entitled "Global Warming and Climate Change".

Yngvar Thomassen: the situation with biological and chemical pollution is alarming

Yngvar Thomassen: the situation with biological and chemical pollution is alarming

Within the framework of the IV International Summer School of Graduate Students of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region, Professor, Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory of NArFU Yngvar Thomassen made a presentation. He spoke about why it is important to conduct biological monitoring in the Arctic region.

At the IV International Summer School of PhD students in the Barents Region, topical issues of the Arctic development are discussed

At the IV International Summer School of PhD students in the Barents Region, topical issues of the Arctic development are discussed

The annual Barents PhD School International Summer School is held from 21st to 25th of August within the framework of the project on academic cooperation in the Barents region. This year, the school grounds became NArFU and NSMU.

Interview on the radio “Pomorie”

Interview on the radio “Pomorie”

On July 31st, the staff of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, who had just returned from the Arctic Floating University-2017 scientific research expedition - Anna Trofimova and Elena Gusakova - met live with the host of the "Meetings on Mondays" program at 102.0 FM radio station "Radio Pomorie " Alexey Serov. Anna and Elena told about the participation in the megagrant of the project of NArFU, its tasks and expected results, and also shared the impressions of the expedition work.

The staff of the megagrant took part in the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century"

The staff of the megagrant took part in the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century"

On August 1st, the second day of the seminar "The Future of Russia: The Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century" was held under the leadership of Professor Malinetsky, a scientist from the Institute of Mathematics Teaching named after Keldysh.

Laboratory staff conducted expeditionary activities in the territory of the national park "Russian Arctic"

Laboratory staff conducted expeditionary activities in the territory of the national park "Russian Arctic"

On July 28th, the scientific vessel "Professor Molchanov" returned to the port of Arkhangelsk. On board there were more than 60 people from 6 countries of the world - scientists, students, freelancers. As part of the implementation of the megagrant project, members of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov participated in the expedition "Arctic Floating University - 2017" were Elena Gusakova, Nikita Soboleva and Anna Trofimova.

Valery Chashchin: "The problem of medical and ecological well-being of residents of the Arctic zone is acute"

Valery Chashchin: "The problem of medical and ecological well-being of residents of the Arctic zone is acute"

Valery Chashchin, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Economics and Environmental Policy, presented a report on improving the state health regulation in the Arctic environment during the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century" in the framework of the Russia-2030 project.

Expert: In the near future, the Arctic can become green

Expert: In the near future, the Arctic can become green

At a press conference on the results of the ninth expedition of the Arctic Floating University, the head of the geography and evolution of soils department at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Goryachkin and the director of the Arctic Center for Strategic Studies of NArFU Konstantin Zaykov spoke about climate change in the Arctic region and their consequences.

The Arctic Floating University returned to Arkhangelsk with unexpected discoveries

The Arctic Floating University returned to Arkhangelsk with unexpected discoveries

Participants of the ninth joint expedition of NArFU and Roshydromet under the name Arcticum Incognita were welcomed by citizens, the scientific community and officials of the region.

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring continue to work in the Nenets Autonomous District

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring continue to work in the Nenets Autonomous District

From July 24th to July 27th an expedition to Naryan-Mar to Krasnoye village is being held, whose purpose is to determine the role of fish in the nutrition of the indigenous population, as well as preparing for questioning the population.

"Arctic Floating University" completes a large-scale study of the depths of the Barents Sea

"Arctic Floating University" completes a large-scale study of the depths of the Barents Sea

The Arctic Floating University is completing a large-scale study of the depths of the Barents Sea. Today, July 22, a group of oceanologists and hydrologists is making the final cut between the archipelagos of FJL and Novaya Zemlya. From the island of Salm to the Cape Zhelaniya the young scientists of NArFU, as well as the leading Russian universities, will have to make 16 stops. Deep sounding will be carried out at each hydrological station. Rosetta with bathometers will be lowered by 200 meters. The sensors record the level of salinity, oxygen, fluorescence and turbidity of sea masses.

Explorers of the expedition of the Arctic Floating University NArFU collected geological samples and met a polar bear

Explorers of the expedition of the Arctic Floating University NArFU collected geological samples and met a polar bear

Researchers of the ninth expedition of NArFU completed geological surveys in the central part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago.

"Arctic Floating University" helped the research vessel "Aldan" and reached the Russian Harbor

"Arctic Floating University" helped the research vessel "Aldan" and reached the Russian Harbor

The joint expedition of NArFU and Roshydromet continues its journey in high latitudes. The latest news from the voyage is described by the participant of the expedition, journalist Irina Skalina.

Devoted to the polar explorers of the "Arctic Floating University" met the whale

Devoted to the polar explorers of the "Arctic Floating University" met the whale

By the end of the fourth day of the joint expedition of the Arctic Floating University, NArFU and Roshydromet. Events taking place on board the research vessel "Professor Molchanov", describes the journalist Irina Skalina.

The PhD of NArFU presented a scientific project at the XVI International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment

The PhD of NArFU presented a scientific project at the XVI International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment

During the period from June 18th to June 22nd, Nikita Sobolev, a member of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring from NArFU, took part in the 16th International Conference on Chemistry and Environmental Protection, held by the University of Oslo (16TH International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment), where he presented a poster report on the topic "Evaluation and forecasting the spread of highly toxic pollutants (pesticides and dispersed elements) along biological pathways in the Russian Arctic", reflecting the main directions of the laboratory's work, its goals and objectives, as well as the planned results.

Participants of the Arctic Floating University: about expedition tasks and personal expectations

Participants of the Arctic Floating University: about expedition tasks and personal expectations

Once again the research ship “Professor Molchanov” went to high latitudes. This year, scientists, students and graduate students from seven countries will study the climate and biodiversity of the Arctic.

"Arctic Floating University" went to Franz Josef Land

"Arctic Floating University" went to Franz Josef Land

This year, 58 people from Russia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cuba, the Netherlands, France and Germany take part in the joint expedition of the NArFU and Roshydromet. Researchers will visit Cape Desire, the islands of Gaul, Hayes, Jackson, Rudolph, Hooker, Northbrook and Bell Island.

Arkhangelsk citizens spend on a voyage "Arctic Floating University"

Arkhangelsk citizens spend on a voyage "Arctic Floating University"

At the solemn ceremony of the research vessel "Professor Molchanov", the rector of the NArFU Elena Kudryashova, representatives of the Government of the Arkhangelsk region, the administration of the city of Arkhangelsk, expedition partners and participants will take part in the ninth expedition.

Megagrant prepares professionals

Megagrant prepares professionals

Engineer of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring Elena Gusakova won a grant from the Barents + program for an internship at the University of Tromsø in May.

Working visit of the laboratory for the study of pollutants of the environment at the University Hospital Tromsø

Working visit of the laboratory for the study of pollutants of the environment at the University Hospital Tromsø

During the period from June 29th to June 30th, the employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory of the NArFU were on a joint trip to Tromso (Norway). The main purpose of the visit was to acquaintance with the device of the laboratory in the university clinic for the study of pollutants of the environment in such objects as blood plasma. The laboratory is under the direction of Jan Brox.

In August, NArFU will host the IV International Summer School for PhD students in the Barents Region

In August, NArFU will host the IV International Summer School for PhD students in the Barents Region

From August 21st to August 25th , the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov will host the Barents PhD Summer International Summer School, implemented as part of a long-term project on academic cooperation in the Barents region with the participation of five universities: Northern (Arctic) Federal University, University of Oulu (Finland), University of Tromso-Arctic University of Norway, Umea University (Sweden). The school is being held for the first time in Arkhangelsk, its organizers are NArFU and NSMU.

X International biogeochemical school "Modern Problems of the State and Biogeochemical Evolution of Biosphere Taxa"

X International biogeochemical school "Modern Problems of the State and Biogeochemical Evolution of Biosphere Taxa"

On 13-16th of June two employers from the laboratory — Anastasia Pesʼyakova and Nikita Sobolev — took part in 10th international biogeochemical school «Modern Problems of the State and Biogeochemical Evolution of Biosphere Taxa» dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after V.I.Vernadsky.

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 24th

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 24th

On the final day of the expedition on May 24th, the colleges from the laboratory met with the Head of the Rospotrebnadzor Department of the NAO, Kirkhara Natalya Vyacheslavovna, the Head of the Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport - Ivankin Iliy Igorevich and the director of the Nenets agrarian and economic technical school - Danilova Oksana Vyacheslavovna, and discussed the issues of further cooperation within the megagrant-project.

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 23th

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 23th

During the expedition to NAO, the laboratory staff visited the village of Krasnoe in 42 km from the city of Naryan-Mar. Negotiations were held with the administrative authorities - the Head of the Municipal formation Taratin Viktor Aleksandrovich and the chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Municipality Chuprov Leontiy Mikhailovich. Seasonal consumption of migratory species of game birds, fish and wild animals has been determined.

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017"

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017"

On May 22nd, 2017, there was a meeting about the megagrant-project "Development of a methodology for monitoring, assessing, forecasting and preventing risks associated with biological transport of highly toxic pollutants that can accumulate in food chains and spread in Arctic ecosystems" among the members of the expedition and members of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Area.

The participants of the megagrant-project take part in the first expedition

The participants of the megagrant-project take part in the first expedition

From May 22nd to May 24th, 2017, the first expedition will be held within the framework of the megagrant-project "Development of a methodology for monitoring, assessing, forecasting and preventing risks associated with biological transport of highly toxic pollutants that can accumulate in food chains and spread in Arctic ecosystems".

Lectures of the Leading Scientist from Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen

Lectures of the Leading Scientist from Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen

Lectures “Human Health an Chemical Pollutants in Food” and “Biological monitoring of environmental pollutants spreading in the Arctic and Human risk assessment”, performed by the Leading Scientist of  Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen can be downloaded here:

Lectures by the Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences Yngvar Thomassen

Lectures by the Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences Yngvar Thomassen

On 11th of May there will be two lectures by the Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences Yngvar Thomassen, with the topic: "Human Health and Chemical Pollutants in Food". 

An employee of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory took part in the forum "Arctic. Made in Russia"

An employee of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory took part in the forum "Arctic. Made in Russia"

In Arkhangelsk, from March 27th to April 2nd there was the International Youth Forum "The Arctic. Made in Russia", in which 175 young specialists from various professional fields took part, 25 of them were foreign visitors, representing 15 countries of the Arctic Council. Andreeva Yulia, laboratory assistant at Arctic biomonitoring laboratory participated as an ecologist.

Conference "Dialogue in the Far North 2017" (High North Dialogue 2017)

Conference "Dialogue in the Far North 2017" (High North Dialogue 2017)

On April 5-6th, 2017 in Bodø, Norway, the annual Conference "Dialogue in the Far North 2017" (High North Dialogue 2017) was held.


Yngvar Thomassen, the Leading Scientist of arctic biomonitoring laboratory, will give a presentation at section "Arctic — the territory of friendly environment"

On 30th of March at forum "Arctic-territory of dialogue", Yngvar Thomassen, the Leading Scientist of arctic biomonitoring laboratory, will give a presentation at section "Arctic - the territory of friendly environment". The presentation will be in period of 9.30-11.00, at NArFU, hall 4.


Lecture on "A Human Risk Assessment Model for Environmental Pollutants"

On 31st of March there will be lecture on «A Human Risk Assessment Model for Environmental Pollutants», represented by the leading scientist of arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen. Address: Smolʼnyi buyan, 1, auditorium 501 (Scientific library named after E.I. Ovsyankin).


There was a roundtable discussion about legal aspects in the Arctic exploration

There was a roundtable discussion about legal aspects in the Arctic exploration on 28th of March, as a part of forum "Arctic - the territory of dialogue", where the Head of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Sorokina Tatyana gave a presentation of the project "Development of methodology for monitoring, assessment, prediction and prevention of risks associated with the high level toxic polluting substances transfer via biological pathways", and spoke about the aim and targets of the laboratory. 
