Arctic biomonitoring laboratory

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Direction of scientific research

Development of methodologies for monitoring, assessment, forecasting and prevention of risks related to transfer of toxic pollutants through biological pathways capable of accumulating in trophic chains and spreading in Arctic ecosystems

Leading Scientist

Yngvar Thomassen - Leading Scientist

He has given over 275 presentations on various aspects of his research, of which 105 were invited lectures at major conferences and symposia. In the period 1983-91 he was a member of the Commission on Toxicology, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (titular) member from 1986, where he initiated the development of human body fluids as quality assurance materials for the measurement of minor, trace and ultra-trace elements and organic metabolites. From 2011-2014 he served as a titular member in the Analytical Chemistry Division. More »

Devoted to the polar explorers of the "Arctic Floating University" met the whale

Devoted to the polar explorers of the "Arctic Floating University" met the whale

By the end of the fourth day of the joint expedition of the Arctic Floating University, NArFU and Roshydromet. Events taking place on board the research vessel "Professor Molchanov", describes the journalist Irina Skalina.

The PhD of NArFU presented a scientific project at the XVI International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment

The PhD of NArFU presented a scientific project at the XVI International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment

During the period from June 18th to June 22nd, Nikita Sobolev, a member of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring from NArFU, took part in the 16th International Conference on Chemistry and Environmental Protection, held by the University of Oslo (16TH International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment), where he presented a poster report on the topic "Evaluation and forecasting the spread of highly toxic pollutants (pesticides and dispersed elements) along biological pathways in the Russian Arctic", reflecting the main directions of the laboratory's work, its goals and objectives, as well as the planned results.

Participants of the Arctic Floating University: about expedition tasks and personal expectations

Participants of the Arctic Floating University: about expedition tasks and personal expectations

Once again the research ship “Professor Molchanov” went to high latitudes. This year, scientists, students and graduate students from seven countries will study the climate and biodiversity of the Arctic.

