Arctic biomonitoring laboratory

лаборатория биомониторинга.jpg

Direction of scientific research

Development of methodologies for monitoring, assessment, forecasting and prevention of risks related to transfer of toxic pollutants through biological pathways capable of accumulating in trophic chains and spreading in Arctic ecosystems

Leading Scientist

Yngvar Thomassen - Leading Scientist

He has given over 275 presentations on various aspects of his research, of which 105 were invited lectures at major conferences and symposia. In the period 1983-91 he was a member of the Commission on Toxicology, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (titular) member from 1986, where he initiated the development of human body fluids as quality assurance materials for the measurement of minor, trace and ultra-trace elements and organic metabolites. From 2011-2014 he served as a titular member in the Analytical Chemistry Division. More »

The staff of the megagrant took part in the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century"

The staff of the megagrant took part in the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century"

On August 1st, the second day of the seminar "The Future of Russia: The Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century" was held under the leadership of Professor Malinetsky, a scientist from the Institute of Mathematics Teaching named after Keldysh.

Laboratory staff conducted expeditionary activities in the territory of the national park "Russian Arctic"

Laboratory staff conducted expeditionary activities in the territory of the national park "Russian Arctic"

On July 28th, the scientific vessel "Professor Molchanov" returned to the port of Arkhangelsk. On board there were more than 60 people from 6 countries of the world - scientists, students, freelancers. As part of the implementation of the megagrant project, members of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov participated in the expedition "Arctic Floating University - 2017" were Elena Gusakova, Nikita Soboleva and Anna Trofimova.

Valery Chashchin: "The problem of medical and ecological well-being of residents of the Arctic zone is acute"

Valery Chashchin: "The problem of medical and ecological well-being of residents of the Arctic zone is acute"

Valery Chashchin, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Economics and Environmental Policy, presented a report on improving the state health regulation in the Arctic environment during the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century" in the framework of the Russia-2030 project.

