
Институт математики, информационных и космических технологий

Заочный финансово-экономический институт

Институт естественных наук и биомедицины

Институт комплексной безопасности

Институт медико-биологических исследований

Институт нефти и газа

Институт педагогики и психологии

Институт социально-гуманитарных и политических наук

Институт строительства и архитектуры

Институт теоретической и прикладной химии

Институт физической культуры, спорта и здоровья

Институт филологии и межкультурной коммуникации

Институт экономики и управления

Институт энергетики и транспорта

Лесотехнический институт

Юридический институт

Гуманитарный институт филиала в Северодвинске

Институт судостроения и морской арктической техники филиала в Северодвинске

Коряжемский филиал

Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров


About Higher School

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About Higher School

Back in 1939, USSR Government Decree No. 165 set up Arkhangelsk Shipbuilding Technical School. It prepared technicians for defense enterprises in Severodvinsk. It offered five specializations and had both full-time and part-time students. Its first head was V. Perevoznikov.

During the Second World War, the technical school was in a very difficult situation. In August, 1941, the technical school building on 5 Studencheskaya Street was taken over by the military. The classes were held in a small student dormitory.

In 1941, since September till December, 56% of the technical school personnel were mobilised to defend the Barents Sea region, Murmansk and Kandalaksha. During the war, 227 students and 9 workers of the technical school joined the military.

1942 saw the first graduation of 12 marine engineers. In total, since 1939 till 1955, 1730 technicians graduated from the technical school to work in the shipbuilding industry.

In 1955, Decree of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 3616 converted Arkhangelsk Shipbuilding Technical School into Marine Fisheries Technical School and transferred it to the USSR Ministry of Fisheries. The technical school trained students in industrial fishing and fishery products to work in the fishing industry.

1959 saw opening of Department of Maritime Navigation. The institute started training deep sea navigators. They worked for northern fishing fleets. In the same year, the correspondence department was established which provided education for three vocations. It trained seamen who worked for fishing fleets and didn't have professional education. The head of the department was G. Anikeeva who held this position for about 36 years.

Moreover, the technical school provided refresher courses for navigators, ship engineers, fish harvesters and fish processors.

1963 saw an urgent need for ship engineers specializing in diesel engines. Thus, the institute started training students in operation of marine propulsions.

The technical school continuously improved its physical infrastructure. In December, 1969, the institute moved to a new-built campus in Factoria district of Arkhangelsk. The head of the technical school was M. Rogach. He headed it for 25 years. During his term of office, physical infrastructure of the technical school was actually created anew. There was built a dormitory for 400 students, a canteen, a diesel laboratory, a teaching and laboratory building and one more dormitory for 720 students. New laboratories and classrooms were fitted with modern equipment. It was competence, strong moral and ethical characters of the head of the institute that helped build a team of adherents. They trained best specialists for the fishing industry of the country.

In 1978, the order of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR converted Arkhangelsk Shipbuilding Technical School into Maritime College of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR. Students were called cadets. They were trained in full accordance with the Regulations for the Fishing Fleet.

In 1989, Maritime school was opened by the college. After grade 9 students in Arkhangelsk were able to enter Maritime school and get their high school education in one year. Then they could pass their final exams and get into the college.

Since 1992 the college began cooperating with educational institutions and enterprises of Northern Norway. During the years of cooperation, about 100 teachers, cadets and graduates completed internship at enterprises in Norway. 36 graduates passed state exams there and got their diplomas of education. For decades, there were collected valuable archive materials and many exhibits. This resulted in opening a college history museum in 1996. The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the Russian Navy. The first head of the museum was G. Kudryavtsev.

In 1997, Arkhangelsk Maritime College was reorganized into Marine Fisheries College.

In 2012, the college was reorganized into a technical school and became a branch of Murmansk State Technical University.

In 2021, the educational institution joined Northern Arctic Federal University named after M. Lomonosov as Marine Fisheries Technical School. Later, by a decision of the Academic Council of the University, the technical school was renamed Higher School of Fishery and Marine Technologies.

Today the higher school trains maritime and fisheries specialists in 6 academic specializations. Four of them are undertaken by correspondence. Seafarers are trained in full accordance with International STCW Convention.

Students undergo practical training at onshore enterprises, on training ships, fishing vessels and transport ships of the Russian Federation. During the training, students get experience of living and working at sea. Many of them take the final decision to make a career as a seafarer after going to sea for the first time.

The higher school provides all necessary facilities for living and studying. There are 80 fully-equipped classrooms, educational and training centers, computer classes with Internet connection, a club and a library with 80 thousand books.

Highly skilled teachers provide education of high quality.

They are involved in development of teaching aids.

A number of events are held annually to increase teachers' expertise and cultivate their creative skills. Among them are teaching and methodological councils, teaching skills competitions, teaching aids competitions etc.

The higher school provides morale building activities for students since future seamen should be well-mannered.

For several years, students of the higher school have taken part in different events and forums which are aimed to provide spiritual and moral guidance.

The higher school has a variety of sports clubs. Students succeed in different sport competitions.

Over the years, the educational institution has prepared about 14 thousand specialists for fishing and merchant fleets and for fisheries enterprises. 232 students graduated with distinction.

Representatives of the higher school participate in annual career guidance and counselling events, visit schools in Arkhangelsk and in the region to educate future generations of seamen.

Over many decades, the institution had contributed significantly to the development of the fishing industry of northern Russia. It won numerous awards for various achievements.

The winner of the contest "Waverunner" in the category "For the contribution in the area of training specialists for the Russian fleet", 2009.

The Jubilee Medal "100th Anniversary of the Birth of USSR Minister of Fisheries Ishkov", 2009.

The Badge of Honor of the Collegium of the Russian State Centre of Military History and Culture under the Government of the Russian Federation "For Active Work on Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation", 2009.

The winner of awards "100 Best Educational Institutions of Russia" and "European Quality 2010".

The winner of the contest "Arkhangelsk Quality", 2010-2013.

The winner of the All-Russian contest "100 Best Goods of Russia" in the category "Education Services", 2010-2015.

The winner of the contest "Arkhangelsk Quality" in the category "Education Services", 2016.

Some graduates of the technical school are known as discoverers of new fishing grounds. Among them, capitans A. Gorbachev, R. Orlov, V. Lupachev, I. Plotnikov, I. Degtyarev, F. Gulyaev. Their teams held many fishing records.

1968 graduate V. Korelskiy was the head of the State Committee on Fisheries in 1991-1996. 1966 graduate Y. Videneev was a representative of State Committee on Fisheries in Canada in the early 1990-s. Many graduates received government awards for their outstanding service.