
Институт математики, информационных и космических технологий

Заочный финансово-экономический институт

Институт естественных наук и биомедицины

Институт комплексной безопасности

Институт медико-биологических исследований

Институт нефти и газа

Институт педагогики и психологии

Институт социально-гуманитарных и политических наук

Институт строительства и архитектуры

Институт теоретической и прикладной химии

Институт физической культуры, спорта и здоровья

Институт филологии и межкультурной коммуникации

Институт экономики и управления

Институт энергетики и транспорта

Лесотехнический институт

Юридический институт

Гуманитарный институт филиала в Северодвинске

Институт судостроения и морской арктической техники филиала в Северодвинске

Коряжемский филиал

Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров


SUEC Arktika

Версия для печати

To efficiently deal with its scientific and technical tasks targeting the upgrade of educational infrastructure and research and innovation sector, the University established in 2011 the Shared Use of Equipment Center “Arktika”.

Arktika provides solutions to the strategic tasks in line with NArFU’s priority areas of activity and focuses on

  • development of the scientific basis for innovative eco-friendly technologies of deep processing of raw material to expand high value added product range;
  • development of tools and methods for ecological control and monitoring of the Arctic and sub-Arctic areas of the RF;
  • assessment of man-made environmental impact in the northern Russia caused by potentially hazardous productions and facilities; forecasting anthropogenically induced changes in the ecosystems;
  • study of condition of the Arctic biogeocenoses and ecosystems’ biodiversity;
  • fundamental and dedicated research in physical chemistry, chemistry of natural compounds, analytical environmental chemistry, organic chemistry, physics of disperse systems; chemistry and physics of materials, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies;
  • chemical analytical research and expert examination services as may be requested by industrial companies, public bodies or civil society organizations;
  • sophisticated biochemical research supporting medical surveys that among other things relate to human adaptation to severe Arctic climate;
  • geochemical research into the geological processes occurring in the Arctic Region and into exploration of mineral deposits;
  • instrumental studies upon request from the University’s research teams.

SUEC Arktika comprises 11 laboratories, each equipped with cutting-edge facilities supplied by world’s leading instrumentation manufacturers:

  • atomic spectroscopy lab
  • x-ray spectroscopy lab
  • elemental analysis lab
  • electron spectroscopy lab
  • oscillation spectroscopy lab
  • liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis lab
  • gas chromatography lab
  • supercritical fluid technologies lab
  • thermal analysis lab
  • electron microscopy lab
  • nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy lab

SUEC Arktika has been accredited to perform analytical laboratory research and licensed to carry out works in the field of hydrometeorology and the associated fields. It actively maintains its partnership relations with outside companies and organizations and among them are the Russian Arctic National Park, JSC Arkhangelsk Pulp-and-Paper Mill, JSC ILIM Group’s branch, Institute of Ecological Problems of the North (RAS Ural Branch).

Dmitry Kosyakov
Director of the Centre
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor
Address: 14, Severodvinskaya St., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia
Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-61-00 ext. 17-23
e-mail: d.kosyakov@narfu.ru

Aleksandr Kozhevnikov
Deputy Director of the Centre
PhD in Chemistry, Associate Professor
Address: 14, Severodvinskaya St., Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia
Tel.: +7 (8182) 21-61-00 ext. 17-22
e-mail: a.kozhevnikov@narfu.ru