
Институт математики, информационных и космических технологий

Заочный финансово-экономический институт

Институт естественных наук и биомедицины

Институт комплексной безопасности

Институт медико-биологических исследований

Институт нефти и газа

Институт педагогики и психологии

Институт социально-гуманитарных и политических наук

Институт строительства и архитектуры

Институт теоретической и прикладной химии

Институт физической культуры, спорта и здоровья

Институт филологии и межкультурной коммуникации

Институт экономики и управления

Институт энергетики и транспорта

Лесотехнический институт

Юридический институт

Гуманитарный институт филиала в Северодвинске

Институт судостроения и морской арктической техники филиала в Северодвинске

Коряжемский филиал

Институт повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров


NArFU Tutor Team

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A tutor is the first person you meet at the airport or railway station upon your arrival in Arkhangelsk. Tutors assist you in dealing with various issues you face during your first days at NArFU as an international student.

About Us

NArFU Tutor Team is a friendly community of kindred spirits. We are senior students and we know from our own direct experience what it is like to be a newcomer in a foreign country. In many ways, we are the face of the university. Our main task is to help you with your adaptation.

  • 2011-2012 – The first international students are enrolled; 
  • 2014 – The first NArFU Tutor Team consisting of 8 volunteers is born; a school for tutors is held for the first time; 
  • 2015 – The number of volunteers exceeds 20. Zhanna Terletskaya becomes the first official coordinator of NArFU Tutor Team. The first workshop for our tutors featuring their colleagues from other universities is held in Volgograd in the framework of the 5th All-Russian Congress of the Association of Foreign Students (AIS). Two tutor schools are organized: one for all the tutors and another for the activists. 
  • 2016 – Our tutors exchange experiences with colleagues from other Russian higher education institutions at RUDN University. NArFU Tutor School is joined by a representative of Finland University. 
  • 2017 – NArFU Tutor Team receives the Best Practice Award in the framework of the forum held in Pskov State University. The team once again attends the forum at RUDN University. Anastasia Petryakova becomes the new Coordinator of NArFU Tutor Team. The tutors take part in the 7th All-Russian Congress of AIS in Kursk; 
  • 2018 – The 5th Anniversary Tutor School opens its doors; our team brings together over 30 volunteers. Our activists participate in the All-Russian Festival of Interethnic Student Clubs “Russian Student-2018”, organized by the All-Russian Interethnic Youth Union, jointly with the Russian State Humanitarian University (RSUH) with the support from the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (ROSMOLODEZH) and the National League of Student Clubs, Moscow. Together with the charity theatre club “BLIK” and the charity fund “Vzamen” our tutors stage a performance of “The Magic Ring” based on the eponymous fairytale by Boris Shergin. The play is performed for the inmates of the local hospitals and nursing homes, as part of the charity concert in the Merchant Yards and at NArFU Scientific Library; 
  • 2019 – The activists of NArFU Tutor Team and the International Friendship Club (IFC) for the first time take part in the children’s health camp “Severny Artek” in the village of Bor, Kholmogorsky District. The Team is joined by an intern from Finland. Our activists attend the 8th All-Russian Congress of AIS in Yekaterinburg. NArFU Tutor Team receives positive feedback and an award for best practices at the International Student Congress in St. Petersburg. The Pomorie-FEST project - a youth week heavily featuring the tutors – is launched.
  • 2020 has become a year of new challenges and bright achievements for our activists. The spread of the coronavirus infection forced our team to quickly adjust to the new working conditions and allowed the activists to gain new useful experience. The School for Tutors (June 2020) gathered 36 participants, despite being held entirely in an online format. The tutors proved themselves efficient during the university admission campaign, acting for the first time as proctors during entrance tests. They also took part in creating learning guides for first-year students on how to connect to NARFU educational platforms and online services; they helped the first-year students to set up remote access and work with the educational platforms. The activists tried on the role of volunteers during the campaign to distribute food aid to foreign students and monitor the health of foreign students. The most remarkable event of this year was a theatrical production based on the works of F.A. Abramov "From the stories of Olena Danilovna", staged by NARFU foreign students for the autumn festival "Pomorie FEST" and implemented in collaboration with the theatrical charity club "Blik" within the framework of the project "Discovering the Russian North", which was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation. The premiere of the theatrical production took place in an online format on the opening day of the International Youth Week.
  • In 2021 the tutors of foreign students at NARFU had to make some changes in their work routines and keep trying out new formats of events, adapting to the restrictions brought about by the novel coronavirus infection. Together with the International Friendship Club, we organized International Navruz, a traditional spring festival, though in a new format for us – as a news program "NAVRUZ NEWS". In addition, the joint efforts of activists helped implement a series of events within the framework of the International Youth Festival "Pomorie-FEST", which in 2021 was a part of the Orientation - North project. The project received financial support from the Governor's Center of the Arkhangelsk region.

Anastasia Kochukova, Russia russia.gif

For me tutoring is more than just a hobby! I appreciate the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of our international students. Their smiles give me reason to continue working with renewed enthusiasm. I also welcome the chance to learn more about different countries and their cultures, communicating with students from all over the world and looking through the photographs of their home countries!


Rahima Gasanova, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

A tutor is someone who assists new students and provides guid-ance. Tutors share their warmth and hospitality and make adap-tation much easier. They are just good people! I am proud to be a tutor!

 Jurakhon Temurov

Jurakhon Temurov, Tajikistan tadgikistan.gif

Tutoring gave me the experience of communicating with foreign students. Every time I meet students, I am always interested in their culture, especially if they came from far abroad. We be-come friends with each new student. In general, tutoring for me is an unforgettable experience that helps me improve my communication skills and gives positive emotions. I will keep up tutoring!

Abdulkhamid Uralov

Abdulkhamid Uralov, Uzbekistan uzbekistan.gif

Pyotr Chernikov

Pyotr Chernikov, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Guncha Agadjanova

Guncha Agadjanova, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Aigul Charyeva

Aigul Charyeva, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Lazizbek Erkinjonov

Lazizbek Erkinjonov, Uzbekistan uzbekistan.gif

Gozel Orunova

Gozel Orunova, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Dilfuza Vakhipjanova

Dilfuza Vakhipjanova, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Angelina Gribanova

Angelina Gribanova, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Jakhongir Mingboyev

Jakhongir Mingboyev, Uzbekistan uzbekistan.gif

Seidusman Jumaev

Seidusman Jumaev, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Jakhongir Jurakhonov

Jakhongir Jurakhonov, Uzbekistan uzbekistan.gif

Amina Igamberdieva

Amina Igamberdieva, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Dinara Igamberdieva

Dinara Igamberdieva, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Akramjon Tojiboyev

Akramjon Tojiboyev, Uzbekistan uzbekistan.gif

Erkin Mommadov

Erkin Mommadov, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Aziza Nurmamedova

Aziza Nurmamedova, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Zukhra Nurmamedova

Zukhra Nurmamedova, Turkmenistan turkmenistan.gif

Hafiz Nuraliev

Hafiz Nuraliev, Uzbekistan uzbekistan.gif

Shakhboz Ulkanov

Shakhboz Ulkanov, Uzbekistan uzbekistan.gif

Our tutors actively contribute to the university life all year round.

In order to help our international students to better adapt we:

  • meet them at the airport or railway station; 
  • help them with currency exchange, SIM card purchase, bank cards and other everyday issues;
  • assist them in primary registration and check-in at the student dormitories; 
  • introduce them to the university and city infrastructure; 
  • keep them informed about all the events held in the framework of the orientation period; 
  • keep in touch with them, help them integrate in university life, welcome them to NArFU Tutor Team.

Become a part of our team!

Join our Tutor Team, and we will help you to unlock and fulfill your potential, improve your language proficiency and develop your social skills. 

NArFU International Cooperation Department issues references and positive feedback for our tutors. Volunteering with us will improve you portfolio and increase your chances at international fellowship/grant projects/competitions. 

Our tutors make a significant contribution to the development of NArFU International Family promoting international friendship and mutual understanding. 

 We are waiting for you!

If you are interested, please contact our Tutor Team Coordinator (+7 921 299 0448).