Sorokina Tatiana

Sorokina Tatiana

Head of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory


  • 2001-2006 - Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Pomor State University named after MV Lomonosov”, Faculty of Law, specialty - jurisprudence

  • 2006-2009 - Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences", graduate school

  • Dissertation work: “Mechanisms for protecting the right to a favorable environment”


2004 - University of Tromsø (Norway)


  • 2011-2012 - Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO: “The Arctic Vector: NArFU Development Strategy”;
  • 2012 - Center for Business Education and Project Management: training "fundamentals and practical skills of project management";
  • 2013 - St. Petersburg Law Academy: "The property complex of the university: problematic issues of ownership and disposal";
  • 2014 - Yosu Academy of the Law of the Sea;
  • 2015 - Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO: “Updating Priority Projects and Development Programs of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after MV Lomonosov”;
  • 2015 - NArFU: “Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency”;
  • 2015 - NArFU: seminar "Quality Management in Higher Education";
  • 2017 - Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO: "School of Rectors 10: Setting Up the University Strategy";
  • 2017 - NArFU: "Barents Region" - the territory of ecology "(lecturer);
  • 2018 - TsNTI Progress: “Normative and legal regulation in the field of subsoil use”
  • 2019 - NArFU: Modern analytical methods in quantitative chemical analysis

Scientific interests:

Legal regulation of environmental activities, legal regulation of the use of natural resources, protection of environmental rights of citizens, compensation for environmental harm, the law of the sea, international public law, environmental monitoring, Arctic law
