Sobolev Nikita

Sobolev Nikita

Соболев Никита АндреевичJunior Researcher 


  • 2014 Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, specialty - Chemist


  • 2017 - Implementation of new methods in the laboratory in accordance with modern requirements: preparatory work, assessment of suitability or confirmation of correct application, ensuring traceability, planning of internal laboratory control, drawing up a protocol
  • 2018 - Determination of the residual content of organochlorine compounds in fish products and animal foods
  • 2019 - Modern analytical methods in quantitative chemical analysis

    • participation in the conference "ICEE - 2017" June 2017, Oslo, Norway
      Poster: “Evaluation and forecasting of highly toxic pollutants (pesticides and trace elements) disribution by biological pathways on the territory of European Russia Arctic”
    • Participation in the 9th Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, June 2018, Loen, Norway
      poster presentation: “Analysis of trace elements distribution by biological pathways on the territory of european russia arctiс using icp-ms technique”;
    • Participation in the international conference “Arctic Biomonitoring”, November 2018;
      oral presentation: “Assessment of the content of toxic and biogenic elements in the muscle tissues of fish living in the Nenets Autonomous Area”

Scientific interests:

analytical chemistry, toxic elements, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
