
Arkhangelsk mass media told about scientific research in NarFU

Arkhangelsk mass media told about scientific research in NarFU

Within the framework of the "Journalist Living Room" project, representatives of the city and regional publications were able to talk with the university's management, university scientists and visit the Geological Museum named after N.P. Laverova.

On the eve of the New Year the leading scientist of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Yngvar Thomassen shared his impressions from the first year of work in the NarFU

On the eve of the New Year the leading scientist of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Yngvar Thomassen shared his impressions from the first year of work in the NarFU

On the eve of the New Year, the leading scientist of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory, Ingvar Thomassen, shared his impressions of the first year of work in the NArFU in the framework of the mega-project "Development of methodology for monitoring, assessment, prediction and prevention of risks associated with the high level toxic polluting substances transfer via biological pathways. These substances can accumulate in the food chain and spread in Arctic ecosystems."

 In 2018, scientists of the NArFU will expand the geography of the work on the Arctic biomonitoring

In 2018, scientists of the NArFU will expand the geography of the work on the Arctic biomonitoring

Tatyana Sorokina, the head of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory from the NArFU, and Valery Chashchin, chief research officer of the Northwest Scientific Center of Hygiene and Public Health, spoke about the results of the work on the scientific project of the NArFU, which received a mega-project from the Government of the Russian Federation.

MSc students from NArFU Learn the World of Extremophiles

MSc students from NArFU Learn the World of Extremophiles

At the beginning of December 2017, students enrolled in the Master's program "Industrial Biotechnology and Bioengineering" visited the leading laboratories of the Institute of Microbiology named after S.N. Vinogradsky FRC Biotechnology of the RAS, a recognized world center for studying the diversity of prokaryotes.

The laboratory assistant from the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory passed a refresher course in St. Petersburg's "Interregional Center for the Enhancement of Qualifications"

The laboratory assistant from the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory passed a refresher course in St. Petersburg's "Interregional Center for the Enhancement of Qualifications"

The laboratory assistant Bystritskaya Evgeniya passed a refresher course on the topic "Documents preparation for applying for accreditation and confirmation of competence".

Prospects for Russian-British cooperation discussed in the NArFU

Prospects for Russian-British cooperation discussed in the NArFU

On November 16 - 17, the second Russian-British scientific seminar on the project "Development of Russian-British cooperation in the field of Arctic studies" was held on the basis of the NArFU.

Yngvar Thomassen read a lecture on pollutants in the food for the students of the NArFU

Yngvar Thomassen read a lecture on pollutants in the food for the students of the NArFU

The professor of the Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health is leading the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, which received a mega-grant from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Lecture of the leading scientist of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring Ingvar Thomassen

Lecture of the leading scientist of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring Ingvar Thomassen

On November 17, Yngvar Thomassen's lecture "Is there a difference between man-made and naturally occurring pesticides produced by man and created by nature" within the framework of the scientific project "Development of methodology for monitoring, evaluation, forecasting and prevention of risks associated with biological transport of highly toxic pollutants that can accumulate in food chains and spread in Arctic ecosystems."

Employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory enhanced the competencies

Employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory enhanced the competencies

In the period from October 31 to November 3, employees of the Arctic Biomonitoring laboratory -  Anna Kosheleva and Nikita Sobolev were trained at the Interregional Center for Advanced Studies (St. Petersburg) at the rate "Introduction of new methods in the laboratory in accordance with modern requirements."

Expedition works in the NAO continue

Expedition works in the NAO continue

Laboratory staff consisting of the head of the laboratory Sorokina T.Yu., head of the sector Aksenov A.S. and laboratory assistant-researcher Veselkina E.A took part in the expedition to Krasnoe settlement for work within the framework of the project in the Nenets Autonomous Area.

Employees of the NArFU discussed with the NAA's governor, Alexander Tsibulsky, the prospects for cooperation between the university and the region

Employees of the NArFU discussed with the NAA's governor, Alexander Tsibulsky, the prospects for cooperation between the university and the region

The delegation of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V Lomonosov, which included employees of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Tatyana Sorokina, Valery Chashchin, Andrei Aksenov, Elena Veselkina, as well as rector's assistant - Eugene Mikhailovsky, met with the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Area - Alexander Vitalievich Tsybulsky in the city of Naryan-Mar.

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring presented the first results of work at the conference EuroArctic - 2017

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring presented the first results of work at the conference EuroArctic - 2017

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring delivered plenary reports at the International Scientific and Practical Conference EuroArctic-2017, which was held for the 4th time in Naryan-Mar.

