
NArFU Hosted Roundtable on Migratory Birds as Sources of Pollutants and Pathogens Transfer to the Arctic

NArFU Hosted Roundtable on Migratory Birds as Sources of Pollutants and Pathogens Transfer to the Arctic

Today, October 12, NArFU Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory hosted a roundtable that discussed the “Monitoring of Risks Associated with Transfer of Pollutants and Pathogens to the Arctic by Migratory Birds”. Attended by leading experts and early career scientists based in Russia, the roundtable was held within the framework of the III International Conference “Biomonitoring in the Arctic — 2022”.

An employee of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory won a grant "Young Scientists of Pomorie"

An employee of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory won a grant "Young Scientists of Pomorie"

Research assistant of the Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory, PhD student of the Laboratory of Evolutionary Ecology and Genomics of Hydrobionts at the Institute for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic of the Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Research of the Arctic Dmitry Kotsur won a grant "Young Scientists of Pomorie" with the project "Research of the impact of polychlorinated biphenyls on the reproductive system of fish Danio rerio".

NArFU researchers delivered a series of lectures to students of the University of Oxford

NArFU researchers delivered a series of lectures to students of the University of Oxford

Last week, upon the invitation from the University of Oxford, the researchers at NArFU contributed to Oxford University Polar Forum, whose recent series of seminars was devoted to the Russian Arctic.

NarFU scientists gave lectures for students of the University of Oxford

NarFU scientists gave lectures for students of the University of Oxford

Last week, NArFU employees, at the invitation of professors from the University of Oxford, took part in the Oxford University Polar Forum, the topic of which this semester was the Russian Arctic.

The results of studies of fish samples from the Norilo-Pyasinsk water system were announced

The results of studies of fish samples from the Norilo-Pyasinsk water system were announced

On March 11, 2021, in Dudinka (Krasnoyarsk Region), a meeting was held between the leaders of the Taymyr indigenous communities and representatives of the Arctic Development Project Officeduring which the results of the study of fish samples from the Norilo-Pyasinsk water system were announced.

A conference " Arctic Biomonitoring " was held at NArFU

A conference " Arctic Biomonitoring " was held at NArFU

On October 27-28, 2020, the II International Conference "Biomonitoring in the Arctic" was held at NArFU. The main topics of the event were: industrial development of the Arctic and preservation of biodiversity, traditional and modern methods of biomonitoring research, medical and environmental well-being of the population of the region, legal regulation of environmental safety.

NArFU experts participated in NDI Policy Brief Training day

NArFU experts participated in NDI Policy Brief Training day

International research project NDI Think Tank has recently hosted an online NDI Policy Brief Training day, a short hands-on training on writing policy briefs and recommendations intended for authorities and spanning the four core topics of the NDI (Transport and Logistics, Environment, Health and Social Welfare, and Culture) from the perspective of effective research-based communication.

2nd information letter of the International Conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020"

2nd information letter of the International Conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020"

Dear Colleagues! In connection with the spread of COVID-19 in Russia and the world, the organizing committee of the international conference " Arctic Biomonitoring - 2020", taking into account the recommendations of the World Health Organization, orders of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, informs that the conference will be held online on the Zoom platform .

Interactive Testing "Natural Intelligence"

Interactive Testing "Natural Intelligence"

The speed of light, Pavlov's dog and the formula of water: test your knowledge of natural sciences

NArFU scientists joined the commission for studying the consequences of the oil spill in Norilsk

NArFU scientists joined the commission for studying the consequences of the oil spill in Norilsk

Since June 28, scientists have been working in Norilsk, where an oil spill occurred as a result of the accident. Their task is to find out how this emergency can affect the way of life and traditional crafts of the indigenous peoples living in that part of the Taimyr Peninsula.

NArFU employee won the UMNIK grant

NArFU employee won the UMNIK grant

Yulia Varakina, engineer of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, postgraduate student of the Department of Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, won a grant from the UMNIK Innovation Promotion Foundation in the field of Biotechnology. During the implementation of the project, research and development work will be carried out on the topic "Development of a certified reference material for biomaterial validation of the method for determining lipophilic contaminants in fish and seafood."

NArFU specialists took part in a round table dedicated to innovative technologies of school feeding

NArFU specialists took part in a round table dedicated to innovative technologies of school feeding

The main goal of the event is to determine the main directions for the development of school feeding technologies, including for students living in the Arctic region, based on the study of physiological, genetic and biophysical characteristics of adolescent metabolism and psycho-emotional preferences in nutrition.

