
Research support laboratory will appear in NarFU with Hokkaido University

Research support laboratory will appear in NarFU with Hokkaido University

The corresponding agreement was signed by the vice-rector of NArFU for international cooperation Konstantin Zaikov and the director of the Arctic Research Center of Hokkaido University Yasushi Fukamachi.

Within the framework of the Arctic Science Week, a session entitled “Arctic Law: Modern Legal Regulation, Training and Research” was held.

Within the framework of the Arctic Science Week, a session entitled “Arctic Law: Modern Legal Regulation, Training and Research” was held.

The panel discussion included a dialogue on the formation of the Arctic law as a separate group of legal norms. They discussed current challenges in the field of legal regulation in the Arctic, the mechanisms and tools for the development of Arctic law, the integration of traditions and innovations, the training of specialists in the field of Arctic law, the improvement of legal mechanisms for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples of the Arctic, the protection of health of northerners and other issues.

Published materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring" on the platform IOPscience

Published materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring" on the platform IOPscience

The materials of the conference "Arctic Biomonitoring " which was held at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, November 26-27, 2018. The collection of materials released by IOP Publishing (UK) in the online journal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. This journal is indexed in leading scientific databases such as Scopus and the Web of Science.

Youth Day of the International Forum "Arctic-Territory Dialogue"

Youth Day of the International Forum "Arctic-Territory Dialogue"

April 8, 2019 in St. Petersburg, in the framework of the International Forum “The Arctic — the Territory of Dialogue”, the Youth Day was held. The forum from the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory was attended by engineers Yulia Varakina, Anna Trofimova and laboratory researcher Pavel Chukmasov.


The Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory invites to undergo training in the advanced training program "Modern Analytical Methods in Quantitative Chemical Analysis" in the period from March 11 to March 15, 2019

The aim of the program is to improve students competencies necessary for professional activity in the field of research and development, in terms of applying modern analytical methods of quantitative chemical analysis in analyzing samples of objects of natural and anthropogenic genesis.

 A conference ”Arctic biomonitoring” opened at NarFU

A conference ”Arctic biomonitoring” opened at NarFU

The main topics of the First International Conference “Arctic Biomonitoring ”, which takes place at the university from 26 to 27 November, were the impact of industrial exploration of the northern latitudes on the environment, medical and ecological well-being of people and legal regulation in these areas. Among the speakers of the event are leading scientists from Russia and the world.

NArFU to host international conference “Arctic Biomonitoring”

NArFU to host international conference “Arctic Biomonitoring”

It is a great pleasure to announce the International Conference on Arctic Biomonitoring held on 26-27 November, 2018 in Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. The event is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

NArFU Arctic Floating University set off for the tenth expedition

NArFU Arctic Floating University set off for the tenth expedition

Researchers from four continents on the Terra Nova expedition will pass through three seas — the White, the Barents and the Karsky — and collect unique data from the east coast of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. The solemn dispatch of the expedition took place on the square in front of the main building of the university.

NArFU young scientists will receive grants from the Russian Science Foundation for the Presidential Program of Research Projects

NArFU young scientists will receive grants from the Russian Science Foundation for the Presidential Program of Research Projects

The Russian Science Foundation announced the results of grant competitions for the “Conducting research by research teams under the guidance of young scientists” and “Conducting initiative research by young scientists” of the Presidential program of research projects. Among the winners are three representatives of NArFU.

Nikita Sobolev received the prize for the best poster report from the Norwegian Chemical Society at the IX Conference on Spectrochemistry in Plasma

Nikita Sobolev received the prize for the best poster report from the Norwegian Chemical Society at the IX Conference on Spectrochemistry in Plasma

Junior researcher at the arctic biomonitoring laboratory of NArFU Nikita Sobolev took part in the 9th Conference on Spectrochemistry in Plasma (9TH Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry) organized by the leading scientist of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring Ingvar Tomassen.

Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory NArFU successfully passed accreditation

Arctic Biomonitoring Laboratory NArFU successfully passed accreditation

The arctic biomonitoring laboratory of NArFU has been accredited to the National System. This allows you to conduct research work not only in the scientific interests of the university, but also in the framework of work on external orders.

Head of Nenets Autonomous Region Alexander Tsybulsky visited NArFU

Head of Nenets Autonomous Region Alexander Tsybulsky visited NArFU

Representatives of the Nenets Autonomous Region, headed by the Acting Governor Alexander Tsybulsky, on April 29 got acquainted with the research infrastructure of the university and discussed prospects for cooperation with the leadership of the university.

