
The participants of the megagrant-project take part in the first expedition

The participants of the megagrant-project take part in the first expedition

From May 22nd to May 24th, 2017, the first expedition will be held within the framework of the megagrant-project "Development of a methodology for monitoring, assessing, forecasting and preventing risks associated with biological transport of highly toxic pollutants that can accumulate in food chains and spread in Arctic ecosystems".

Lectures of the Leading Scientist from Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen

Lectures of the Leading Scientist from Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen

Lectures “Human Health an Chemical Pollutants in Food” and “Biological monitoring of environmental pollutants spreading in the Arctic and Human risk assessment”, performed by the Leading Scientist of  Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen can be downloaded here:

Lectures by the Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences Yngvar Thomassen

Lectures by the Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences Yngvar Thomassen

On 11th of May there will be two lectures by the Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences Yngvar Thomassen, with the topic: "Human Health and Chemical Pollutants in Food". 

An employee of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory took part in the forum "Arctic. Made in Russia"

An employee of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory took part in the forum "Arctic. Made in Russia"

In Arkhangelsk, from March 27th to April 2nd there was the International Youth Forum "The Arctic. Made in Russia", in which 175 young specialists from various professional fields took part, 25 of them were foreign visitors, representing 15 countries of the Arctic Council. Andreeva Yulia, laboratory assistant at Arctic biomonitoring laboratory participated as an ecologist.

Conference "Dialogue in the Far North 2017" (High North Dialogue 2017)

Conference "Dialogue in the Far North 2017" (High North Dialogue 2017)

On April 5-6th, 2017 in Bodø, Norway, the annual Conference "Dialogue in the Far North 2017" (High North Dialogue 2017) was held.


Yngvar Thomassen, the Leading Scientist of arctic biomonitoring laboratory, will give a presentation at section "Arctic — the territory of friendly environment"

On 30th of March at forum "Arctic-territory of dialogue", Yngvar Thomassen, the Leading Scientist of arctic biomonitoring laboratory, will give a presentation at section "Arctic - the territory of friendly environment". The presentation will be in period of 9.30-11.00, at NArFU, hall 4.


Lecture on "A Human Risk Assessment Model for Environmental Pollutants"

On 31st of March there will be lecture on «A Human Risk Assessment Model for Environmental Pollutants», represented by the leading scientist of arctic biomonitoring laboratory Yngvar Thomassen. Address: Smolʼnyi buyan, 1, auditorium 501 (Scientific library named after E.I. Ovsyankin).


There was a roundtable discussion about legal aspects in the Arctic exploration

There was a roundtable discussion about legal aspects in the Arctic exploration on 28th of March, as a part of forum "Arctic - the territory of dialogue", where the Head of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory Sorokina Tatyana gave a presentation of the project "Development of methodology for monitoring, assessment, prediction and prevention of risks associated with the high level toxic polluting substances transfer via biological pathways", and spoke about the aim and targets of the laboratory. 
