
Yngvar Thomassen: the situation with biological and chemical pollution is alarming

Yngvar Thomassen: the situation with biological and chemical pollution is alarming

Within the framework of the IV International Summer School of Graduate Students of the Barents Euro-Arctic Region, Professor, Leading scientist of Arctic biomonitoring laboratory of NArFU Yngvar Thomassen made a presentation. He spoke about why it is important to conduct biological monitoring in the Arctic region.

At the IV International Summer School of PhD students in the Barents Region, topical issues of the Arctic development are discussed

At the IV International Summer School of PhD students in the Barents Region, topical issues of the Arctic development are discussed

The annual Barents PhD School International Summer School is held from 21st to 25th of August within the framework of the project on academic cooperation in the Barents region. This year, the school grounds became NArFU and NSMU.

Interview on the radio “Pomorie”

Interview on the radio “Pomorie”

On July 31st, the staff of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory, who had just returned from the Arctic Floating University-2017 scientific research expedition - Anna Trofimova and Elena Gusakova - met live with the host of the "Meetings on Mondays" program at 102.0 FM radio station "Radio Pomorie " Alexey Serov. Anna and Elena told about the participation in the megagrant of the project of NArFU, its tasks and expected results, and also shared the impressions of the expedition work.

The staff of the megagrant took part in the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century"

The staff of the megagrant took part in the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century"

On August 1st, the second day of the seminar "The Future of Russia: The Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century" was held under the leadership of Professor Malinetsky, a scientist from the Institute of Mathematics Teaching named after Keldysh.

Laboratory staff conducted expeditionary activities in the territory of the national park "Russian Arctic"

Laboratory staff conducted expeditionary activities in the territory of the national park "Russian Arctic"

On July 28th, the scientific vessel "Professor Molchanov" returned to the port of Arkhangelsk. On board there were more than 60 people from 6 countries of the world - scientists, students, freelancers. As part of the implementation of the megagrant project, members of the Arctic biomonitoring laboratory of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov participated in the expedition "Arctic Floating University - 2017" were Elena Gusakova, Nikita Soboleva and Anna Trofimova.

Valery Chashchin: "The problem of medical and ecological well-being of residents of the Arctic zone is acute"

Valery Chashchin: "The problem of medical and ecological well-being of residents of the Arctic zone is acute"

Valery Chashchin, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Economics and Environmental Policy, presented a report on improving the state health regulation in the Arctic environment during the seminar "The Future of Russia: the Arctic Dimension of Development in the 21st Century" in the framework of the Russia-2030 project.

Expert: In the near future, the Arctic can become green

Expert: In the near future, the Arctic can become green

At a press conference on the results of the ninth expedition of the Arctic Floating University, the head of the geography and evolution of soils department at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Goryachkin and the director of the Arctic Center for Strategic Studies of NArFU Konstantin Zaykov spoke about climate change in the Arctic region and their consequences.

The Arctic Floating University returned to Arkhangelsk with unexpected discoveries

The Arctic Floating University returned to Arkhangelsk with unexpected discoveries

Participants of the ninth joint expedition of NArFU and Roshydromet under the name Arcticum Incognita were welcomed by citizens, the scientific community and officials of the region.

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring continue to work in the Nenets Autonomous District

Employees of the Laboratory of Arctic Biomonitoring continue to work in the Nenets Autonomous District

From July 24th to July 27th an expedition to Naryan-Mar to Krasnoye village is being held, whose purpose is to determine the role of fish in the nutrition of the indigenous population, as well as preparing for questioning the population.

"Arctic Floating University" completes a large-scale study of the depths of the Barents Sea

"Arctic Floating University" completes a large-scale study of the depths of the Barents Sea

The Arctic Floating University is completing a large-scale study of the depths of the Barents Sea. Today, July 22, a group of oceanologists and hydrologists is making the final cut between the archipelagos of FJL and Novaya Zemlya. From the island of Salm to the Cape Zhelaniya the young scientists of NArFU, as well as the leading Russian universities, will have to make 16 stops. Deep sounding will be carried out at each hydrological station. Rosetta with bathometers will be lowered by 200 meters. The sensors record the level of salinity, oxygen, fluorescence and turbidity of sea masses.

Explorers of the expedition of the Arctic Floating University NArFU collected geological samples and met a polar bear

Explorers of the expedition of the Arctic Floating University NArFU collected geological samples and met a polar bear

Researchers of the ninth expedition of NArFU completed geological surveys in the central part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago.

"Arctic Floating University" helped the research vessel "Aldan" and reached the Russian Harbor

"Arctic Floating University" helped the research vessel "Aldan" and reached the Russian Harbor

The joint expedition of NArFU and Roshydromet continues its journey in high latitudes. The latest news from the voyage is described by the participant of the expedition, journalist Irina Skalina.

