
Expeditionary activity

One of the most important tasks of the modern scientific community is the intellectual development of the Arctic, that is, the organization and conduct of comprehensive fundamental, applied research and monitoring observations of the sea and land part of the region, building predictive models, developing and implementing measures to minimize the risks of industrial development of the region.

The most convenient and effective tool for the development of the Arctic for the realization of these goals is a comprehensive scientific and scientific-educational expedition. It is not surprising that a special place is given to the restoration and development of scientific expeditionary activities of Russia in the Arctic in
"Strategies for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation ... for the period up to 2020".

The Arctic region was chosen as the object of research for the laboratory because of its global significance - the impact on the circulation of the ocean and the atmosphere of the planet, the uniqueness of the animal and plant world, contribution to genetic diversity and ethnic diversity, as well as the traditions of the use of natural resources by indigenous peoples.
When selecting key areas, the study proceeded from the possibility of assessing the effects of transboundary pollutant transport through the food chains from Europe, as well as the Atlantic Ocean and countries of South-East Asia and the Pacific. Therefore, research is supposed to be conducted on the territory of the Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Districts.

To obtain the primary data set of biomonitoring, the Nenets and Chukot Autonomous Region were selected. First, in view of the uniqueness of the animal and plant world, ethnic diversity and traditions of the use of natural resources. Second reason why this region is one of the key regions for the development of the Arctic biomonitoring system is the experience of implementing large international projects in close areas of research. For example, in thesettlements . As early as the 2000 had obtained the first data on the content of persistent pollutants in the blood of residents, as well as traditional foods of animal origin. In addition, the impact of migrations of some species of fish from the Sea on the feeding habits of indigenous peoples can be assessed by the example of the area near the settlements with which there is a transport connection.

Employees also take part in expeditions of the Arctic Floating University. This is a unique scientific and educational expedition project in the high latitudes of the Russian part of the Arctic, which brings together young people and researchers from the world in order to study the Arctic territories, train personnel and develop international multilateral dialogue and partnership in the joint scientific and educational development of the Arctic

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 24th

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 24th

On the final day of the expedition on May 24th, the colleges from the laboratory met with the Head of the Rospotrebnadzor Department of the NAO, Kirkhara Natalya Vyacheslavovna, the Head of the Department of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport - Ivankin Iliy Igorevich and the director of the Nenets agrarian and economic technical school - Danilova Oksana Vyacheslavovna, and discussed the issues of further cooperation within the megagrant-project.

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 23th

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017" – May, 23th

During the expedition to NAO, the laboratory staff visited the village of Krasnoe in 42 km from the city of Naryan-Mar. Negotiations were held with the administrative authorities - the Head of the Municipal formation Taratin Viktor Aleksandrovich and the chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Municipality Chuprov Leontiy Mikhailovich. Seasonal consumption of migratory species of game birds, fish and wild animals has been determined.

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017"

Expedition "Nenets Autonomous Area - May 2017"

On May 22nd, 2017, there was a meeting about the megagrant-project "Development of a methodology for monitoring, assessing, forecasting and preventing risks associated with biological transport of highly toxic pollutants that can accumulate in food chains and spread in Arctic ecosystems" among the members of the expedition and members of the administration of the Nenets Autonomous Area.

The participants of the megagrant-project take part in the first expedition

The participants of the megagrant-project take part in the first expedition

From May 22nd to May 24th, 2017, the first expedition will be held within the framework of the megagrant-project "Development of a methodology for monitoring, assessing, forecasting and preventing risks associated with biological transport of highly toxic pollutants that can accumulate in food chains and spread in Arctic ecosystems".

